Season 39, Week 1
(Shining Force)
Although most of Shining Force's PCs are traditionally maligned for their losing record in the DL, some of the bosses have had marginal successes. Mishaela, although running into “the sword fighter that cannot lose in her first round” last time, is still a powerful magician, eager for DL success. The first victim of her powerful lightning magic? Robo, the cute little robot friend of Lucca! There is nothing a robot hates more than a lightning bolt in the face, and surely Robo's no different. Meanwhile, the damage the slow robot does back will be minimal, and without a doubt she can tank his physical onslaught. Middle best be beware of Darksol's most loyal minion!



Robo's opponent may be a master seer, puppeteer, henchman and magician (as well as possess several other skills with two E's), but Robo can do the Robot. Okay, so he is a robot, and that is cheating. But Lucca installed a special cheating microprocessor especially for this season! No more Mr. Nice Robot! Of course, opponents that have felt the incredibly painful Uzzi Punch and equally crippling Shock would ask who this nice robot was, but they lost, so who cares about them. Mishaela's dark magic may have an effect on Robo, but his defenses and HP, not to mention healing, will be more than enough to put him in for an upgrade… of division that is!

Woman vs machine.

Technological wonder vs powerful magician.

An old world against a new one.

Normally, the old world wins, doesn't it?


Especially when the new world sucks at taking magical damage, doesn't it?


Of course, sometimes, being of too old of a world has it's disadvantages.


Robo signs.

Robo flags.

People cheering Robo's name.

Mishaela stared out at the crowd.

All of them calling for Robo. Prometheus. R-66Y. Many names. The same person.

With a glimmer in her eyes, she knew what she must do.

Ultimately, her lightning-blast rampage into the crowd... wasn't too hard to put down; She was only a Middle after all. And it did cost her the match.

But it made her feel better.

Mishaela: 20
Robo: 47