Season 38, Week 5
Emelious de Pamela
(Grandia 3)
The cries and howls of all the beings left in Emelious’s wake only make this seemingly immortal swordsman even stronger, and now that he is in the finals, no opponent can stand up to the might of his sword! This week his opponent is the very angry, very… tentacley… Heat, fellow newcomer to the DL arena. Heat as Vritra may have rent and devoured his other opponents, but they were WEAKLINGS in the face of Emelious's overwhelming power! With that power, invested in him by the dark god Xorn, he will smite the vindictive, Sera-obsessed Heat with ridiculous ease and claim the first Godlike championship for his home game. This exciting matchup between newly-ranked Godlikes will be fun, to be sure, but there can only be one winner here. And that will be Emelious.



Having rent, slaughtered and devoured his foes throughout his Godlike run, the kindly scientist-turned Hindu God faces one final thorn in his side on the way to true godhood. Redemption, enlightenment...all this awaits Heat as he tackles Emelious. As the god Vritra, Heat's stat-breaks and almighty damage will be more than Emelious can bear. With his tentacles ready to block anything sent against him, including all the sword skills and magic that Emelious prides himself on, Heat is in no danger of dying. Stat-breaks will reduce Emelious to little more than a sniveling, pathetic baby, while follow-up Inferno Roars will spell doom to the Disciple of Xorn. The Junkyard and Darwin teach that only the fittest will survive - and Heat, above all, is the fittest warrior here.

Things were really looking up for Heat. He had made it all the was to the finals of the highest division there is in his first appearance, while Serph still rotted in Light without getting a single match. This was his day to shine, and he was going to do everything he could to prove to everyone that he, Heat, was the biggest, baddest thing ever to grace the arena.

For awhile, it looked like it was working, too. Easily shrugging off Emelious's pitiful excuse for attacks, the demonic devourer decided that it was safe to have a bit of fun with this, even in the finals, and rather then strike a quick killing blow, he instead ripped off one of Emelious's arms and munched it down right in front of him.

This proved to be his undoing, of course. Heat had apparently not learned from Teepo's mistakes that eating your opponent is rarely, if ever, a good idea. Swallowing down the pure, concentrated emo that was Emelious's flesh gave Heat the worst stomachache he had ever experienced. The pain and nausea from this latest meal was so great that even the mighty Vritra could do nothing but double over and hurl.

As you can imagine, this wasn't exactly conductive to winning the match. Emelious, seeming not overly concerned about the loss of an arm, took advantage of Heat's moment of weakness to strike a finishing blow himself, claiming the match and the championship.

This won't stop people from mocking him for being emo, of course. It just means that he has one more thing to cry about not being respected for.

Emelious de Pamela: 22
Heat: 20