Season 38, Week 4
(Final Fantasy IV)
Another week brings out another fine young lady for Cid to peep on and then hammer! He has had a truly remarkable streak of running up against budding young beauties in his quest for a Light championship, but Cid is a man with a mission. After all, Middle is a whole new division, full of new, firm, young bodies to thoroughly examine with his relatively… unique… skill. Lucky for Cid, his opponent this week is none other than the infamously absentminded mage, Viki. The flustered Blinking Rune specialist is likely to be unaware she's even in a fight, let alone figure out just what the old man in the arena with her is looking through his spyglass so intently for. Once Cid has grown bored, it’ll be time to lay down the hammer and advance to his next match… hopefully with one more beauty.



It's back to the semifinals for Viki, the mistress of the Blinking Rune, and this time she'll try real hard not to sneeze and wind up nine seasons in the future before she makes it to the finals! This match is notable in more ways then simply being Viki's second trip to the semis, though: this is a fight between two of the biggest mainstays of their respective series. This is a fight between Cid, the one character that you just can't have a Final Fantasy without, and Viki, who manages to have six appearances in five Suikoden games (leave it to Viki to ignore petty things like "laws of reality" and all). While Cid might be a big, strong engineer man who wields a mean hammer, Viki is going to tough it out and win this one with the power of her Blinking Magic! She is Ready and Set, while Cid is gonna GO!

Lezard Valeth
Let's just say that Viki teleported Cid's own airship on him as soon as the referee give the go ahead.

"Great", mumbled Yuna, the leader of the DL's healing league. "Can't they ever have a match that don't involve squashing people to pancake?"

"Look at it this way", Mariel said. "At least we don't have to reconstruct their ash like last week."

Cid: 42
Viki: 51

Normally I'd vote for Viki, her being a decent mage of the Suikoverse. However, he's pretty good in the GBA remake once you get his ultimate weapon and level him ... and that's not all. He's shown something Viki has yet to show: hard work and guts!
Cid seems to have lost his cool by the match description, giving Viki enough time to teleport Cid to the ends of Gaia.

Cid maybe winning the Light championship? Oh, how I laugh.