Season 38, Week 4
(Skies of Arcadia)
Emelious certainly seems like a cutter, being all broody and emo about his sister, and being the kind soul that she is, Piastol will be happy to aid him in his self-mutilations! Tempest Dance is going to give him more pain than even he knows what to do with. She'll strike hard and fast, giving "Emo" no chance to whine about (or revel in) the beating he’s getting. Even worse, she ignores his evasion and very likely out-speeds him, leaving the former communicator to try and out-slug Piastol, with both damage and speed that are dwarfed by the Angel of Death. She'll make quick work of this newbie, and try for her record-tieing fourth Godlike title!



Fond as he is of cutting himself while wallowing in self-hatred, Emelious has proven very capable of directing those talents outward. Having managed to take down two strong Godlikes, Emelious has moved on to challenge far bigger prey: three-time Godlike champion, Piastol. Heavily armored and tempered by years of self-cutting, he can easily soak up a few Tempest Dances. The barely armored Piastol, however, won't be able to take near as many of Emelious's deadly Spirit Wails. With incredible quickness that can keep up with Piastol's devastating speed as icing on the cake, Emelious will be able to score one hell of a kill in the name of his evil god.

Edge finished his beer and looked up at the rather large viewscreen in the bar. Emelious and Piastol were battling to the death for Godlike supremcy. But to the shock of everyone, Piastol was.. losing. Every Tempest Dance was met by a Spirit Wail. Emelious even was nearly a match for Piastol in speed..

Grinning, Edge ordered another beer. Piastol was near death already, and Emelious was.. hurting but had a long way to go. She had no chance of recovering.

A tap on his shoulder got his attention. Behind him stood Yuri, who had been avoiding Edge of late.

"Okay, Edge. Fess up. What'd you do to give Emo enough spine to stand up and fight Piastol?"

"What makes you think.. okay, stop glaring at me. I just told Emelious that he had to be able to fight off Piastol if he ever wanted respect in the arena. Plus..."


"Plus, I may or may not have told him that Piastol was part of the creative team that put his universe together. It was easy to do, as Violetta and Piastol are so close to each other in design."

..Oh boy."

"I also may or may not have told him that Piastol was responsible for the existence of Alonso, Ulf, and his own needless torment. He was surprisingly cool about the latter two, but all it took was a mention of a scrapped Alonso/Alfina romance that she wanted.."

"You're a sick bastard, Edge."

"Thanks! I appreciate that- woah, who knew that Piastol would try to fight after her arms were ripped off? This fight's great!"

Piastol: 30
Emelious de Pamela: 31


Three time Godlike champion.

Arguably the strongest woman in the Duelling League.

Beaten by an angsty cutter.

As she staggered out of the arena, she knew what she had to do. The only thing that would make her forget the hell that was this match.


"...Edge, what the hell did you do to Piastol?"

"Nothing!" "Nothing? You? Nothing?"

"...Nothing that I remember, anyways! I swear it! Though I don't remember much of that day." Edge said, from within his bodycast, to a doubting Yuri.

Well, at least Piastol's way of making herself feel better doesn't involve cutting herself...

It looks like it's going to be good ol fashioned pirate bashing.

What's that?

Piastol's scheduled to win? Wait but, uh huh. Tempest Dance. Uh huh. Tempest Dance. 2HKO. And wait what was that? Mutilation? Torture? Does he really deserve. . .ANAL CANCER?! WTH! Alright sheesh how about we just give her a by and let her go without fighting this poor guy.

Wait what was that?


. . .no comment.
Emelious spends too much time cutting himself in anticipation of fighting a worthy opponent that mocked him earlier in the week and arrives at the match to be barely knocked out by Piastol in time.

Piastol takes first turn and outdamages Emelious. Crybaby gets some real scars.