Season 38, Week 1
(Grandia 3)
Even a chaste priest such as Renault can appreciate a mom as awesome as Miranda. A single mother adept at stabbing things, knocking sense into her child and owning henchmen with blade and magic alike is a pretty wondrous sight to behold. She's also really hot. She might be relegated to Light, Grandia's greatest MILF is prepared to prove that being a mother doesn't necessarily mean you're a mere homemaker. Facing off against Richard Ricardo Renault, the mightiest MILF is in for an easy fight. The priest is known for lacking sufficient magic power to damage even the frailest of Lights, and Miranda's fantastic magical resilience will be a severe thorn in his side. Her excellent agility will allow her to easily evade his attacks and strike Renault without fail, preventing him from mounting a proper offense against her. Her fast-striking Dagger Dash will be more than enough to cut the priest down, securing an easy and fantastic win for single, fighting mothers everywhere.



Between toying with the fabric of human life and repenting in meditation for his past actions, Renault has rarely had the luxury of free time in his long life, and certainly would not choose to waste it on something as frivolous as fighting. Nevertheless, this bishop has his own tattered honor to uphold, and if he is called to fight, then fight he shall. Although Renault's talents are in research and healing rather than combat, he is not completely inept. His hardy, rugged frame can take more punishment than most men and women of his profession, and indeed, more than most Lights - his current opponent included. And while he is not particularly adept at inflicting physical punishment, Miranda is little better. Renault's trump card in this fight, as ever, is his ability to counter any attack made against him with a spell of his own. In a close match, this - along with Renault's steel will and determination to make up for his past failures - will make the difference, giving Renault his first RPGDL win.

Aaah, sliced and diced Renualt. He's so screwed against Miranda he may as well be turned into chop suey now. Awesome.

Miranda: 49
Renault: 9