Season 37, Week 4
Frank Goldfinger
(Shadow Hearts: From the New World)
In any other venue, a match between these two mental titans might be quite fearsome...luckily, Frank and Vinsfield are facing off in the arena. Well, luckily for Frank anyways. Vinsfield may be a skilled tactician, but he’s not exactly the most fearsome fighter. On the other hand, with his extensive training in the ninja jungles of Brazeel, Frank is a terror on the battlefield. While he isn’t the quickest of fighters, his high HP will help keep him alive while he bombards Vinsfield with Fast Snowballs. After being consistently upstaged his whole life, Frank is finally ready to claim a piece of glory for himself.



Bah, another fool dares challenge my pure ideals? And not even a worthy fighter - he's nothing more than an old man who claims to be a ninja! HA! He will Incur My Wrath soon enough, and thus fall before my mighty blade! And he would try to attack me with that...thing, better used in cooking than in battle? Laughable! As if he could hope to down me with a such a pathetic excuse for a weapon! There is no doubt that my idealistic dream will prevail over this old idiot, who thinks he's fighting in the name of justice! If this is all I have to face, no one can stop me from taking the crown!

It looks to be a good fight, this match.

Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus is a seasoned competitor, with a long list of victories.

Let's take a look at his duelling history.

His first season, for instance, shows this well.

After defeating Hrist Valkyrie, at the time one of the worst duellers ever, he faced Grey.

And lost.

Of course, this season, she then went up against Logg.

And lost, having had a Garden smashed into him, winning only on technicality.

His last match before entering the semi-finals was against Colette Brunel, which, of course, he must have won.

Oh, my mistake, he won on appeal. He lost the match.

I think I speak for everyone when I ask, what's wrong with this picture.

Needless to say, Vinsfeld surrendered the moment that Frank summoned a Kuri-er, the moment he physically attacked.

Yeah. That's it.

This isn't clearly a rip-off of anything.

Frank Goldfinger: 33
Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus: 29