Season 37, Week 3
Frank Goldfinger
(Shadow Hearts: From the New World)
You can't top the Frank. A loyal servant to his country and a ninja. What's cooler? Sure, they pick on Frank in the locker room. Sure, some people call Frank lame and beat him up. Seifer will pay for that. Oh yes. Sure, some people set call him a crappy light who can't get wins. Well, they're wrong about that last part now, aren't they?! Now that Frank's smashed Draggy, he's gonna beat up someone more mocked and abused than he usually is. Zahhak's lameness in tactical planning is only matched by his lameness in combat- barely managing a victory over Jogurt. How not impressive! A few smacks from Frank's trusty weapon will teach that no good villain better! Then people will have to respect Frank in the arena. Right?



An old man playing at being a ninja hopes to challenge the mighty Queen's Knight Zahhak? Laughable. Sure, Frank has the advantage in offense, defense, skill variety, accuracy, charisma, and just about every area you can think of, but Zahhak should not be counted out. Zahhak can use his experience as a strategist to help him; he may not have had the slightest bit of success in his war against the Prince, but it doesn't take much to outwit Frank. Zahhak is also no slouch at evasion, a talent that should buy him time to think of a strategy (or at least a good excuse for why he lost to a 46 year old ninja.) Frank may appear to have the advantage, but a clever plan could at least give Zahhak an outside shot at winning!

"Ol' Frank doesn't like this! Why didn't the Jonin teach me his Brazilian ring focus technique?"

Zahhak had a plan, of course. See, the "evasion" nonsense had the minor problem that Frank and his cohorts attacks didn't generally miss... that is, unless Frank's ring was reversed, minied, and erratic speeded with a little treacherous adjustment prior to the match. Plus, Alenia did a solid disguise job as a ninja helper showing off new items and techniques, and Frank had a nice new Mind's eye causing his ring to be invisible (but his power was UNSTOPPABLE!). No matter how hard Frank tried, his dings at doing a Snowball attack just never seemed to line up. Frank was helpless before Zahhak's mighty assault!

...well, helpless for the first 15 turns or so. Zahhak dutifully chipped for a few points of damage until Frank decided to give up using a special ability, and trust in his lamp guiding the way forward. Simple attack strokes would be enough.

Of course, it took another 15 turns for Frank's attack to finally strike. It didn't really matter.

Zahhak is back to the drawing board on his future Light championship.

Frank Goldfinger: 33
Zahhak: 17