Season 37, Week 3
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
The earth and the sun, the wind and the soul. You can hear anything if you listen hard enough in the Sacae Plains. Shadow's just a dark person living a lie and doing nothing but fighting, avoiding the truth. As the reformed Karel later said, living and fighting like that leads to nothing. Lyn's shining blade isn't going to be fooled; it'll find Clyde below the shadow and strip away the lies with a few strokes. Hide behind your dog, throw everything but the kitchen sink, even vanish into thin air with a trick. It doesn't matter. Lyn has made peace with both sides of her life, and now she'll easily make pieces out of Shadow's sad excuse for a life.



One green haired purely physical sword wielder down and, hey, here comes another one! Only this one is a girl. And that's about the only difference Shadow is going to notice, really. Just like against Glenn, all it will take is a single Invis or Shadow Edge to completely shut off everything Lyn can do, allowing the man in black to take her down at his leisure. About the only thing Lyn will have left to her after he vanishes is her vaunted evasion, which while honestly quite impressive, will only serve to prolong the inevitable conclusion of this fight. Here's hoping the semifinals will present Shadow with someone who's less of a one trick pony, hmm?

Lyn was apprehensive about the upcoming battle. Some of Nino's contacts in the Black Fang had given her information that opponent, Shadow, had spent been spending a lot of time sequestered in the conference room with the de facto leader Sonia recently. As far as Lyn could determine from reading various biographies of him in the DL Library, Shadow was likely to go to any lengths to win. She could only assume that he was intending for her to end up in some sort of 'accident' and be unable to attend the match. Hector wasn't convinced that her line of reasoning was entirely sensible, but he wasn't the obvious target, was he?

However, this Shadow didn't know that after the numerous amounts of assassination attempts made on her throughout her life, she knew just what to do in the week until the battle. Keep a ring of expendable generics around her at all times. Have all food and drink tasted by generic food-tasters and then not eat it anyway. Randomly choose a different room to sleep in every night and then stay in a different room anyway, remaining awake with caffeine pills.

The day of the match, Lyn was a nervous wreck. The attack had yet to come and there was so little time remaining. Just what were they planning? Did they mean to attack her while she in the arena? Such tactics failed to work more often than not, but the Black Fang were on the whole generally more professional than those that normally tried it. There was nothing for it but to just enter the arena and hope she spotted their tricks in time to get them disqualified, lest she herself be disqualified for excessive lateness. She edged her was into the arena, scanning the area, while Shadow stared impassively towards her.

As soon as the fight began, Shadow threw... something... at her and vanished. This was it; this must be the point where Shadow's treachery would make itself apparent. And to her chagrin, she still hadn't spotted anything. Her only hope lay in fooling them into thinking she had. Her yell of "So afraid you'll lose that you've retained the Black Fang to cheat on your behalf, Shadow?" set the audience in an uproar. The Lyn Fangirl Squadron started laying into the Black Fang Appreciation Group members who by some unlucky chance had been seated next to them, and the Final Fantasy 6 stall received disapproving glances from a large majority of the audience which didn't really feel like risking the ire of Terra. The judges meanwhile yawned and pressed the 'Summon Psychics' button.

Meanwhile Lyn found herself with a blade pressed against her throat. "It seems you've mistaken the employer for the employee," murmered a voice in her ear. Then the pressure increased until the resistance to it suddenly gave way.


Lyn found herself even more paranoid towards assassins. She has introduced bills discriminating against Jaffar and Colm at almost every FE Hive meeting since, but they generally get nowhere.

Shadow returned to the Black Fang, his first mission a success. The thorn who had discovered their secret base was no more (until the healers got to her anyway). Discussions began regarding the next target...

Meanwhile, in a hidden room in the Black Fang Fortress... Jerme the Assassin was giggling maniacally. "Bah! I was second-to-top dog around here until that cretin Shadow showed up! He'll get his... Gwahahahaha!!!".

...then he got eaten by Interceptor or something. I'm spent.

Lyn: 15
Shadow: 67

Ah, Lyn. The second FE character to defeat Jeremy...

*Invis Edge*

And the second one to cause him to be in a downgrade pool.