Season 37, Week 2
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
Bringing a gun to a swordfight? This Brionac scumbag knows nothing about honor. However, the Sacaen Blade Lord Lyn has no reason to fear - after all, even if her Manni Katti isn't quite cut out for a gunfight, a Silver Bow will serve fine for long-range purposes. Nevertheless, the green-haired lady has more assets than one would think in this fight: Jeremy's inaccurate missiles will struggle to hit the nimble, precise Lyn, and a single well-placed blow will be all she needs to end the fight, considering how horrendously frail the gunman is. To make matters worse, he has to worry about Lyn's counterattacks, which makes this fight a bit simpler. The honorable dame of Caelin may not strike first in this match, but she will definitely strike last, upholding the fine name of her household in the Duelling League!



The king of the fast draw (and doubleturning), a warrior legendary for both his ruthlessness and his durability in battle (terrible durability is a kind of durability!), a man who stands above the masses... Jeremy Non. He is one of Lambda's most trusted fighters, and one of the elite who make up the squadron called Brionac, and he will make a splash in the Arena today with his lightning speed and reflexes! He is up against the former Middle champion Lyn, an honorable woman who aims to lead her country to the promised land. Jeremy is not exactly a man of honor, so he's not about to play fair - he'll deal with a noble tribal woman like Lyn just like he handles any other threat - with the power of his machine gun. He's ready to make a name for himself in the Arena at all costs, even the life of a beautiful woman.

"Aaargh! I can't take it anymore!" Jeremy slammed his fist down on his desk. He had been infuriated the entire week after finding out who his opponent was, nevermind the embarassment from having to have the Durandal's scabbard surgically removed earlier. "If this keeps up, I'm going to kill whoever's setting up my matches!!!" He could swear that there was somebody out there with some sort of vendetta against him, setting up matches so he'd always run into one of those blasted Fire Emblem fighters.

"As much as we know you're frustrated, I would advise you to keep your temper in check. Otherwise, you might get a spanking..." Augst interrupted with a chuckle. The response was a cacophany of groans from the rest in the room.

"Speaking of which, why are the rest of us here?" Hugo inquired. Lambda had called all of Brionac, save for Trump Card, to this meeting--which at least had desks rather than folding chairs. Still, with Lambda at the front of the class, and Augst, Kresnik, and Farmel to the sides, it felt to some more like a classroom than an actual meeting. "So far, it seems to mainly be about Jeremy's next match."

"There are a couple of reasons," Lambda started, "First, Brionac's PR is falling due to the way the matches have been turning out for us. There is simply less and less respect for it in the arena nowadays..." Quite a few in the room stopped to question that; what did Brionac need with PR?

"The second reason," the commander continued on, "is simply that I have received word that there is some dissatisfaction and boredom amongst those of our elite group who are not enlisted in this league..."

"Well," Hugo started, "Card games with Lambda and Augst's stand-up comedy routines do leave something to be desired."

"Nevermind the problems that happen every movie night. We spend two hours arguing over which movie to watch, and then there's always an hour-long dispute over who pays for the pizza, and then typically the movie chosen is something that only one or two of us like." Enil added. What she failed to mention was how it was typically Fiore and Asia who won the eventual vote by being the only two to vote for the same thing, resulting in the elite squad typically spending the night watching kids' movies.

"I will keep the issues with our movie nights in hand and plan for those next time," Augst stepped in. "However, regarding the issue at hand..."


The arena's occupancy was only about half of average. Everyone knew the outcome of this fight. Jeremy was going to be stomped into the ground, and it would be quick and bloody. Most of the people there, including both Fire Emblem casts and the four that stood up to Brionac once before, were there simply to laugh at Jeremy and his hopelessness in this match. Predictably. Meanwhile, a number of assorted Brionac members filled the stands, if only to add their silent support.

"Alright! I want a good, clean match!" the referee started. Lyndis and Jeremy both stared at him; they intended to make it a bloodbath, not pull any cheap far as anyone else knew. "3! 2! 1! Fight!" ...and the referee bolted, knowing the bloodbath that would most likely ensue.

The fight looked to be quick--Jeremy ran in to kick his opponent to death; there was no Inertial Cancel, Lyn noted. 'Was he using his first form? No matter...' she thought, sure that he'd die before he'd actually kill. The kick hit head on, and Lyn flinched, writing the hit off as dumb luck, before striking in retaliation, moving at lightning-fast speeds that the Brionac officer couldn't hope to dodge...

...Lyn hit empty air.

Her opponent was suddenly not there. Not on the ground in a bloody crumpled heap. But behind her. Lyn tried to attack again--but to no avail; he disappeared once again... The audience, meanwhile, intending to laugh at Jeremy's pitiful inability in this match, instead stared in shock at Jeremy's teleporting act. The judges simply sighed and shook their heads from their vantage point in the stands, noting to disqualify Jeremy after this match. The rest of the match went quite counter to initial expectations. "Jeremy" dodged every single strike that Lyn tried to land on him, and she was eventually knocked out of the ring, which would by the standard rules, award "Jeremy" the win...

That was when the chaos began. The entirety of the Fire Emblem casts tried to rise up and beat down "Jeremy." And yet he simply eluded each and every strike sent at them, appearing to teleport out of the attack's way at the last moment, while slowly but surely kicking all of them into unconsciousness. TimeRecord captured the humiliation, and the match itself was ultimately met with a mix of shock and laughter from the audience.

It was only now that Arnaud looked around at Brionac's section...Hugo never attended matches, but why was Enil missing?


The only thing adding insult to injury was the front-page headline in the newspaper the next day...

"Jeremy Non defeats two casts singlehandedly!"

Lyn groaned and shook her head. At least she'd been given the win by disqualification, but this would be an insult that she and her castmates wouldn't be able to live down for a very very long time...

Lyn: 62
Jeremy Non: 10
Jeremy has no luck. Drawing two Fire Emblem characters in each of his appearances? At least he can take comfort in the fact that Lyn won't be countering him, so he'll at least get his attack chain off before she OHKOs him.

Better luck next time, Jeremy.