Season 37, Week 1
(Dragon Warrior IV)
The fortuneteller sister has had a long road to get here. The adventures with first her sister and then the Hero of Legend were epic in scale, pitting her against a myriad dangers. Once that was overcome, however, her difficulties have only risen - she is now alone in the Arena, facing a capable offensive wizard in Palom. Her previous trials will suit her well in this venture, though - as she has massive reserves of healing and Infernos-based magic. While each attack will not equal the damage Palom pumps out, her healing will let her outlast the black mage's supply of MP while steadily chipping away his health. There's no secret in the crystal ball to this match: it's all about patience and outlasting anything that Palom can dish out.



There's nothing like target practice to help even the best Black Wizards brush up on their magic. The arrogant Mysidian mage Palom has smashed the best Light has had to offer season after season, only to be barely held out by some freakishly bad luck (or someone who can actually take advantage of his build). No longer will this be the case, however! Nara's both slower and frailer than Palom, always a sure way to lose a fight with him. What will he choose to overkill Nara with? Flare, grinding her into dust with a single spell? Death, striking her down before she can blink? Any of his half dozen statuses? Meteor for the comedy value? It doesn't matter: any obtuse way - any option will result in death for the fortuneteller!

Nara was ready. She had to bring all her skill, all her wit and all her power to bear against a mage who, while still a young boy, was still said to be on the fast track to Middle. For the sake of her own championship dreams, she had to stop Palom's rampage before it even got started.

Stepping into the arena, she stared down the child facing her and prepared to beat that little boy to a bloody pulp.

She was not, however, expecting said little boy to blink at her and ask her questions in a surprisingly feminine voice, "Nara? What are you doing here? Don't you have a match right now?"

Rather confused, Nara nodded, "Yeeees. I'm here to fight you. Duh."

Palom(?) shook his(?) head, "Um, I'm Porom. You're in the wrong arena. But I think you can still make it to your fight in time if you hurry. Make sure to give Palom a kick in the pants for me."

Looking the twin over, and realizing that she was in fact in the red suit with the green cape that Porom wore, Nara quickly thanked the girl and dashed off to make her match in time.

As Nara left the ring, "Porom" just doubled over in laughter, "Oh man, those 8 bit characters will fall for anything! Now I've just gotta get my sisters clothes back before she realizes I borrowed 'em."

Nara: 14
Palom: 41