Season 36, Week 4
Now that Mio has defeated Emma, poor excuse for an impostor that she was, a Light championship is almost in her grasp. After all, she can’t let that foolish Saki to be the only Garlyle general to finish a season on top. No sir! While her next opponent may be a master at the art of fist-fighting, he’ll have trouble standing up to Mio’s technological prowess. Although Kahn is a boss, his lack of status resistance makes him prime bait for Mio’s Stun Gun and Super Balloon, and while he's incapacitated she'll have ample opportunity to slowly beat him down. Such a grand win will be sure to draw Herr Mullen’s eye.



Pretenders! Phonies! Frogs! What poor conditioning these Light fighters have! None could handle Kahn's intense, MANLY training regimen, and such unworthy foes are a waste of a true man's time. And this time? It's a sickly little girl in glasses! Bah! But a man must fight anyone manly enough to challenge him, no matter how much they babble about their attractive commanding officers and their calculations and who knows what all with these overstuffed headed sciencey types! Her foul tricks are nothing Kahn's rippling biceps can't handle, though. That's the important thing, to win and prove yourself worthy of your rivals.

Mio has won a lot of battles, using balloons.

One of her best attacks, a barrage of chemically filled balloons has made her the terror of Light.

But usually not like this.


"...I...I told you. They're...not...helium." Mio said, staring blankly as the half-dead Kahn inhaled yet another of her ballons, after plucking it from the air.

"D...damn it, stop trying to trick me! It always takes a lot of these to make my voice squeaky, and by god I never pass up a chance! Ahahahaha...hahaha......haaa...." Kahn swayed on his feet, then slumped slowly to the floor, not having managed to attack Mio once.

Mio, under the circumstances, did the only honorable thing.

She sent Kahn several dozen helium balloons, in the hospital.

At last report, Kahn was having a blast.

Why would a tough man like Kahn like helium balloons that much, you ask?

Simple. The tough guys always have the weird hobbies.

Mio: 45
Kahn: 25