Season 36, Week 2
(SaGa Frontier)
To infinity and beyond! TimeLord's magic has the power to stop the very universe in its tracks... for seven turns or so. But it's more than enough to handle a thug like Wugui. Magical immunity's one hell of a trick, and one that would kill most spellcasters dead on the spot. Not TimeLord, however! His OverDrive attack doesn't affect Wugui, but is instead a field effect. Seven punishing Griffith scratches will pound the physically unimpressive gangster into mush. In case it won't, TimeLord's bringing a Blood Chalice and a Zero Sword into the fight to handle matters in a more direct manner. The only thing sadder than Wugui against a fighter is Wugui against one that blocks instant death. Grinding his nose into the dirt with physicals may be below the TimeLord, but it'll be as fun as crushing him with a stream of brutal strikes in OverDrive. It may be unneeded preparation, but as his adventures with Ghaleon show, you can never be too prepared.



Godlike has had quite a few wacky match-ups in its long history. Adding onto this legacy of hilarity is the match of Wugui vs. Timelord. Timelord is a fearsome opponent, not only with his frightenly powerful magic but the ultimate power in Overdrive - few Godlikes can withstand seven turns of the Mystic's blitzkrieg. And all this accounts for precisely squat when he fights Wugui this week, as the magician is completely immune to magic. Even if you buy Overdrive working, which is entirely debatable, Timelord's physical damage is... less than stellar. His best bet is Griffith Scratch, and he has to kill Wugui in seven turns or bust. Wugui is perfectly durable, however - so much for that idea. Timelord can't take punishment forever himself, and with nothing but a sword against Wugui, he won't be in very good shape. As a spoiler Godlike, there's nothing better than ruining the season for one of the best, and as Timelord stares down his doom, Wugui will have much to be amused by.

"So you're saying that Ghaleon and his flunkies, along with every single toughguy and bully he could hire, are waiting to jump and beat the crap out of me. Along with an extremely smug Wugui, who seems to be under the impression he immunes Overdrive."


"And everyone there is under the idiotic impression that Wugui will in fact immune Overdrive and pound me into the dirt."


"..Did they all forget that I keep a Blood Chalice handy? Who did they hire to figure this out, Shion?"


"Ghaleon was so happy to get another shot at me that he didn't check his source. Sloppy. Even worse, it means Shion looks good if this pathetic trap works."


"Why you? Aren't you busy dealing with Shania? Why should I trust you?"


..."Cute. Yeah, I have a one time use scroll for TimeEclipse handy. Sounds like fair payment to me. "


"She called you a Suiko-scrub? I wouldn't take that either."


"It was my pleasure, Tir. Hope to see you in the semifinals."


The crowd barely got a glimpse of TL before the fight started. One second he was standing in the middle of the arena, keeping a careful eye on an extremely pissed off Ghaleon.

The next second he was gone, and the arena was empty. Wugui's shattered remains were spread all over the arena.

A short note was scrawled on the arena floor, written in what looked to be a a hastily done Mystic's handwriting.

"Turns out you were right. Wugui *can* move during OverDrive. It just turns out the forces of the universe don't like anyone but the caster moving. You wouldn't believe how fast he got torn apart. It wasn't fast enough him, I can assure you!

Try again next time."

"PS: Shion? Even Magical Girl Ghaleon can do better than that. Perhaps wearing your lucky Fuku will help? I just so happened to have a copy with me. You can thank me later.

PPS: Thanks for the assist Tir!"

A fuku stood over Ghaleon's head, completely with fanservicey skirt thrown over his face.

The results were not pretty.

TimeLord: 50
Wugui: 13