Season 36, Week 1
(Valkyrie Profile)
Llewelyn may have had a tragic life in Crell Monferaigne, but he is certainly not going to run away froma fight now. He gained no glory from his terrible death in a senseless war, but he will redeem himself in the Duelling League arena. And, while the young lad may be a romantic (after all, he has his own share of star-crossed lovers' adventures. Ask Millia.), he will not back down from Toppo just because he is a musician! With his trusty Aiming Wisp technique, he can pierce the awkward Toppo's defenses easily, and once Llewelyn builds up a Layer Storm, the arrows that rain from the heavens will cleanse all from the arena! It's time for the unlucky archer to finally let go of his accursed fate!



In spite of being a silent mime who gets picked on by the Zexen bullies, Toppo has no patience for the whining of emo kids. Llewelyn is just that - a bratty kid with a bow who angsts about a lost love. It's dips like him that give the fine collection of silent musicans across the RPG multiverse a bad name. No more of that will be tolerated! Toppo will strike the first blow with a standard-issue Earth Rune and oversized feet perfect for kicking Llew's face in after he posts a tearful update on his MyAsgardianSpace. If he tries fighting back, a Earthquake will certainly fix that, if not his moody temperment and problems relating to girls. There's no crying in here, emo kid. Just the the sound of your doom!

Yes, Llwelyn isn't exactly one of Lenneth's greatest warriors. Still, Toppo's magic takes forever to cast, and can nicely be interrupted by a hail... well, trickle... of arrows. That leaves the match at a slugfest between a warrior and a mage, which Llwelyn is sure to win, right?


Llewelyn: 47
Toppo: 34

Lezard Valeth
While Llewelyn was loading his bow, Topo simply went up to him and punch him out.

"Well that was easy", Topo remarked as he walk away.

Llewelyn will start up his Purify Weird Soul, "IN THE NAME OF ALL THE GODS..." etc etc, then he'll get a glimpse of Toppo's nose and fall over laughing. Toppo will respond by raping him (since Llewelyn looks and sounds like a girl), raping his girlfriend, and feeding them to Zerglings. Oh, and Toppo's nose sure is awfully long and phallic. Makes you wonder a bit...