Season 36, Week 1
(Xenosaga Series)
Insanity? Oh yes. Of all the things that have given the mad URTV Albedo his place in the DL annals, the mind-boggling insanity is the foremost. Jecht, Braska's Final Aeon, may think he's the best, but he's never tangled with a true champion before. And once Albedo's done with him, oh he'll wish he was never born! Whether it's his patented Break Block, guarding all attacks launched his way, or his Demonic Gaze to confuse the easily befuddled Blitzball star, Albedo's got tools to take down his foe with little effort. Backed by amazing agility against the giant's pathetic speed, Albedo can run circles around Jecht and easily down the monster before Jecht knows what hit him. The sweet taste of victory shall soon be Albedo's once more - here here, Ma Peche! Daddy wants some sugar in celebration!



Hello sports fans and welcome to Blitzball EX! The EX is for EXtra EXcitement! Of course, this isn't real blitzball, but the RPGDL Arena! We can see the capacity crowd rise to their feet as their perennial favorite competitor, Jecht, walks down the ramp and to the ring! And why shouldn't they cheer? His durability and hitting power are legendary in the blitzball field and in the arena, despite being slightly less agile on his feet than he used to be. Of course, this may have something to do with his opponent as well. While Jecht may be a crowd favorite, Albedo is the competitor everyone loves to hate, and it's doubtful the former champion has enough to bring down the masterful Blitzball player. Nevertheless, we'll see what the People's Champion Jecht has to offer us tonight as Season 36 begins!

Hunter Sopko
Before the match, Jecht was out with his favorite bowling buddies, Auron and his son Tidus.

Whilst Auron and Jecht were talking about the match to come, Tidus was taking his turn. Strike! "Woo! I'm throwing rocks tonight!"

He walked back to his father and mentor and listened in as Auron spoke,

"So I see you're facing Albedo this week. He should be a pushover."

"I don't know, Auron. He is a former champion." replied Jecht.

"Yeah, but he's a pervert dude." A pause as Jecht looked at him in disbelief. "No, he's a sex offender, with a record. He did 8 months at Illsveil for exposing himself to an eight year old. When he moved to the DL Nexus he had to go door to door to tell everyone he was a pederast."

A curious Tidus chimed in. "Whats a pederast, Auron?"

"Shut the fuck up, Tidus."

Jecht nodded in approval, but set on thinking how he could beat the former champ.

"8 year-olds, Dude." Auron insisted.


Jecht won the match, but his use of little girls in the stands to distract Albedo was called into question. Hilariously, his interrogator was named also named Jecht.

“Mr. Jecht, let me assure you this isn’t about the girls in the stands. Because it’s not.”

“Then why did you call me in here?”

“Well, Mr. Jecht, some people expressed a bit of distastefulness on your part for the match today.”

Jecht sighed, holding up his hands. “Wait, let me explain something here. I’m not Mr. Jecht. YOU’RE Mr. Jecht. I’M the Best! Or his Bestness, Or Bestest, or El Besterino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing, you know?”

“Uh, nevertheless I have to question you about the little girls, if you don’t mind.”

Jecht stood up at this point. “Yeah, I do mind. The Best minds! This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man!” He then began to walk out.

This was the other Jecht’s turn to be angry. “You’ll lose your next match, you know! You hear me Jecht! You’re a bum! The bum will always lose!”

“Yeah? Well, the Best abides, man.”

I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowing he's out there, the Dude, taking it easy for all us sinners. Shoosh. I sure hope he makes the finals.

Albedo: 46
Jecht: 48