Season 4, Week 3
(Valkyrie Profile Series)
A Goddess of epic proportions, the Aesir fertility goddess will be blasting Aeons apart left and right with her Ether Strike. It's just that Yuna will outspeed her, and get some Aeon hits in. That's alright, though, since Freya has a massive store of HP and defence to help her while away the time until her turns come around. And, when they do, it's good night to every Aeon in turn, and then a nice little rest for Yuna...



Mighty Summoner Yuna fears very little when hiding behind her godlike Aeons...except perhaps other gods! Yuna's going to need to do some first aid after this match, since it's a good bet that the majority of her summons will be dead after Freya blasts them. Yuna's going to have to use her summons as meat shields, slowly whittling away at Freya until Holy will be able to end her, or an overdrive is available. If the meat shields fail....well, then Yuna had better be prepared for a cleansing.

Yuna: Anima!
Freya: Yah! *Watches Anima die*
Yuna: Bahamut!
Freya: Can you withstand this? *Bahamut dies*
Yuna: Shiva
Freya: *Blats her with Critical Flare*
Yuna: Ixion!
Freya: Prepare to Be Cleasned! Divine Assault! Ether Strike!
Yuna: Ifrit!
Freya: ...Darn it, I'm out of attacks.
Yuna: Really? Oh, that's too bad
Freya: YAH!! *Blasts Ifrit into oblivion*
Yuna: What the? Didn't you say you were out of attacks?
Freya: Yes, it doesn't mean I can't recycle my own ones, I was trying to put on a show.
Yuna: ...Vale...
Freya: Ha! *blasts Valefor before it arrives*
Yuna: ...for...darn it. I concede.

Freya: 14
Yuna: 5

Yuna can call upon the darkest powers of all - pop music. One casting of Summon Britney Spears should be enough to take down the goddess of fertility.