Season 35, Week 3
Rosa Harvey
(Final Fantasy IV)
A damsel in distress. A villainous warlock. At a glance, one might not think that the future queen of Baron measures up well against the man who summoned the Seraphic Radiance to our world. But on closer inspection, we see that Dehuai has been completely flustered by a damsel in the past. And Rosa, for all her mild nature, is perfectly built to take the evildoer down. Nulling both his status tricks with a Gaia Gear and a Rune Ring, she will force the warlock to use his unimpressive physical... which will turn rather useless after a casting of Blink! Haste, Protect, Shell, plenty of healing, and a good old-fashioned Holy beatdown: Rosa has everything needed to outlast Dehuai's demon form, and strike a blow for distressed damsels over generic bad guys everywhere.



Well, isn't this a case of history repeating itself. Elderly Chinese amputee versus blonde love interest healer girl? Where have we encountered this scenario before? Oh, right: Shadow Hearts. Dehuai + Alice + Shock therapy. So hey, if it worked so well the first time (some of you might remember Alice "enjoying" the experience), why not try it again? Of course, on the off chance that Rosa isn't interested in making this match an electroshock endurance test, Dehuai's well prepared for a fight. He takes the initiative in any battle and can fatally disable Rosa with either petrification or silence - and the warlock's monstrous HP count means he'll have ample time to score that needed hit. And even if those tricks fail, the same monstrous built will quickly exhaust Rosa's resources. This is a win no matter what.

The long torture.

The innocent girl, crying, pleading, willing to do anything, anything for it to end!

Wait, how well did that turn out for Dehuai last time?


Rosa blinked.

A moment ago, Dehuai had been telling her of the torments she would suffer if she did not give up.

Now, a mass of flaming wreckage covered that half of the arena.

"Haaaahahahah! I always wanted to save the damsel in distress!" Cid the Fourth cackled into the arena.

"...I'm...married, Cid, remember?" Rosa called out.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Right. Sorry about that! Well, a favor to a friend's still good." Cid added, as he struggled out of the wreckage.

"...Damn it, old man, stop forgetting to take your pills." Palom said, as he rushed into the arena with Porom, to take Cid off Rosa's hands.

While the judges were debating if this was, in fact, interference, Dehuai, amazingly, struggled out of the wreckage, still concious.

However, Dehuai, with the remarkable conversions that often come of head injuries, rushed out of the arena as soon as the match was over, donned a simple dress, and started selling flowers for 10 gil on the street corner.

It's okay. Another head injury will be along very shortly.

Rosa Harvey: 50
Dehuai: 25