Season 35, Week 1
Kresnik Ahtreide
(Wild ARMs 4)
The Pale Rider rides again! Those who lack conviction shall fall at the Gene Driver Kresnik Ahtreide's feet! Leon's Swordian Chaltier is far, far inferior to the powerful and legendary ARM Howling Spike that Kresnik wields - with the power to punch through Leon's plate mail, Kresnik can keep Leon on the defensive throughout the entire battle. Kresnik's Adrenaline Rush and Healing Factor Personal skills will keep Kresnik faster, better armoured and better healed than his poor, pathetic opponent. Once Leon's worn down, a shot of Lock-On Apoptosis will splatter Leon with little trouble. Kresnik won't even need to make use of his superior mobility thanks to Javelin, his superior defenses, or superior intelligence in this battle. Let those with true conviction stand strong and shake the heavens!



The tragic soldier, the handsome young fencer, the dedicated lover. Leon Magnus... might not deserve such boastful titles considering his personality, but his backstory gives all the consistency he needs to hold them. With his trusty Chaltier, master of both the sword and the arcana, the young general rushes to the arena to face someone similar to him: Kresnik Ahtreide, the Pale Lancer of Brionac, boasting both spells and heavy arms, looking to protect his beloved. While this might be touching, however, Leon is far too pragmatic to be sentimental about this battle: with a few quick swipes and castings, he should dispose of the inferior tragic warrior and claim a victory in the arena. Seeing Miriam's face after a defeat here would be an unacceptable predicament to Leon Magnus.

It’s an inescapable and, to most, unfathomable rule of RPGs. The angsty loner types, especially if they manage to be both badguys and goodguys and never really clear about what side they’re on, always have tons of fans. Make them bishie and it gets even worse. And if they have a single weak spot in their impenetrable emotional armor, preferably for a young girl, then you have a recipe for legions upon legions of screaming and drooling mindless fans.

Guess what Kresnik and Leon both are. Go on, guess. Yeah. The fan turnout for this single match of emo wankers was so great that it flooded out of the arena and into the streets, causing rioting and mass panic with their screaming fandom. With this mass of chaotic and highly emotional fans, all it took was one single person to shout “Kresnik’s a poser!” or “Leon sux lol!” for someone in the other camp to take offense and throw a punch. And there were plenty of people shouting variants on both phrases, of course.

Seeing their fans doing their best to kill eachother, Kresnik and Leon did the only intelligent thing they could do: stay the hell out of it. Agreeing that whoever had the most fans left standing by the time the massive brawl was over was the winner, the two just sat down and looked cool and angsty until it was done.

Kresnik won rather handily, of course. While Leon had more fans from the get go, it seems that a few of Kresnik’s fans, especially the ones who were cosplaying as him, brought guns. Yeah, there were a looooooot of dead fangirls at the end of the day.

Predictably, Leon said he didn’t care and then went home to angst about it. Kresnik just went to go tell Yulie and Jude the good news…and angst about it.

Kresnik Ahtreide: 32
Leon Magnus: 26