Season 34, Week 2
Milda and Elena's alternate personality would probably get along swimmingly, but such a meeting is not to be. Honestly, with these two it would be more like the original Odd Couple in action, complete with catchy theme song. Milda is a straightforward barbarian with a cow for a husband, Elena is a neat and tidy priestess of Valmar. Put them together and whoa, thats comedy! This isn't a sitcom though, this is the violent, bloody, awesome entertainment known as the RPGDL Arena! And who usually does better at that sort of thing? The barbarian. Healing be damned, Milda can put a serious hurting on the poor priestess, forcing her in a cycle of healing that she'll never recover from. This Middle season, Milda's strength will rule all.



After a refreshing and long rest from the arena, the great Songstress of Granas decided it was just the time to return. After all, her hated alter ego Millenia is tearing up Heavy, and Elena is looking to prove once and for all that she is the superior fighter and far more deserving of Ryudo’s love. And while Elena does have some fearsome skills, her first opponent will prove quite a challenge. Milda’s extreme damage and ID weapon could spell trouble for Elena, but with her superior speed, ID immunity from her unique armor, loads of healing, and of course, the fearsome power of White Apocalypse, this ex-songstress is by no means down for the count. Elena will not rest until she has brought the brunt of her nightmares unto Middle.

Elena vs. Milda would be decided by a single blow, of course. Milda wound up for her one Milda Hit, and... Elena barely survived. Barely. 3 HP, no pixels on any cool life bar for visualization, FF6 critical attacks activated, warning beeps going off, etc., but alive. After that, it was only cleanup for the healing Elena.

Careful analysis after the fight by Zweig and Nash revealed that if Milda had neglected to say "You ready?" before her attack, she could have done the extra bit of damage to Elena's less prepared frame. Ah well, a lesson for Milda's next appearance?

Milda: 24
Elena: 44