Season 34, Week 1
Lady Harken
(Wild Arms)
Once considered misranked in the days before her code was altered, the Red Quarter Knight proved her doubters right...but not in the way they expected! With a long-sought Heavy championship hers at last, she now faces a new world to conquer. Settling into her new, more fitting division, she will quickly find challenges that are, at last, worthy of her newfound and nearly boundless skill with a blade. The Testament once known as Virgil is formidable, but in the end, he will still meet the fate of the countless others cut by Harken's scythe. His status tricks will be worthless against this demon, nor will his evade or defenses count for anything. He's just another inferior warrior who will find himself unable to keep up with Lady Harken's blazing agility, and unable to bear the torment that is Maximum Risk. A new division isn't going to slow this blademaster down, and this dead man will make a fine fifth notch on the lady's scythe.



Lieutenant Luis Virgil hates insolence, particularly the type that newly upgraded Heavies always display when they arrive in Godlike. A self-made military man, the Lieutenant has no qualms about crushing cocky new recruits beneath his heels to teach them some respect, and the haughty Metal Demon Lady Harken is about to learn a thing or two about that. The fast, physically strong Metal Demon may have slashed her way through Heavy, but here in Godlike, mere strength won't cut it! The Blue Testament's deadly Grudge Claw counters and unholy durability counter Lady Harken's typical strategy of a fast physical offense, and his Blizzard spell strikes at the Metal Demon's notorious weakness to cold. Once Virgil's Overtaker boosts him past Elmina, the dreaded Victim's Hail will eliminate her, sending the demon back to Hell where she belongs. It's time to show these fools some respect, and Wilhelm's Blue Testament is just the man to do it.

Testaments can manipulate physics and the laws of the universe. Plus, they're already dead, so to "kill" one would take some careful plot manipulation at the least. Demons ... are just kinda, sorta strong. Virgil wins.

Lady Harken: 20
Luis Virgil: 46