Season 34, Week 1
(Lunar Series)
After crushing the puny denizens of Godlike for yet another championship, the mighty sorcerer is still at the top of his game. And now Ghaleon is once again tasked with teaching the young newcomers to the RPGDL just what it takes to win in Godlike. This time it's the giant sperm whale Kyogre who's in need of a harsh lesson in humility. Just like a garden hose cannot put out a forest fire, the legendary Pokemon's waterspouts can never pierce the Magic Emperor's Chaos Shield and unbreakable resilience. With the terrible power of Ghaleon's famous Fate Storm looming eerily over Kyorge's blowhole, the monster's about to get a fast trip to the Godlike waiting pool for the next three seasons. There's nothing that can stop the Magic Emperor on his newest rampage through Godlike - it's time to die all over again!



The legendary whale Kyogre debuts in the Godlike arena, and it's ready to send its competition plummeting to a deep-sea grave! Very few things can withstand a fully powered Waterspout, much less push enough damage through the whale's thick, beautiful blue hide to prevent a double dose! Of course, the magical emperor (girl?) Ghaleon just happens to be among those rare creatures with enough offense to scare the beast. But even so, Kyogre has little to fear. Since it's notably faster than the hopelessly slow Ghaleon, the legendary Pokémon will get one of the dreaded Waterspouts off at full HP, severely injuring the Magical Emperor. Then it just has to try and resist Fate Storm and fire off another Waterspout, and the battle is done. Kyogre is ready to show its might...and drown its foe in power overwhelming.

Dan 9410
Much as I like Kyogre, It's pretty screwed against one of the best fighters in the league. Ghaleon could take down a whole team of Legendaries.

And that's the good, Uber ones, not things like Entei.

Ghaleon: 57
Kyogre: 15

Seriously... Kyogre... your *bleep*in serious this is what you throw up against Ghaleon... Oy... I won't even dignify this with a fight uhhhh Ghaleon walks in the arena and Kyogre simply implodes from his presence... The *bleep*in end