Season 33, Week 5
Reis Dular
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Reis the Holy Dragon finds herself once again at the Light finals, but before her this time stands not another powerful Light, but a frail and damageless healer with no chance of withstanding Reis’ powerful attacks. Lieza is a master of beasts, but Reis has some intimate experience with the nature of monsters as well. The little witch will find herself hard-pressed to do anything but heal constantly before the flames of Beowulf’s lover - and then Reis can finally go to the division her lover awaits her in. The perfect setup for everyone who isn’t poor Lieza.



Mistress of the beasts, mother of the Earth, Lieza finally has reached the Light finals, and she won’t be stopped now on the cusp of domination. Luckily, she has her opponent Reis beat on all fronts. If Reis comes in her dreaded dragon form, Lieza may just be going home with a new scaly friend. If Reis comes in her less potent human form, Lieza will be able to wear her down with status, stat downs, and healing. The beast mistress has taken on the very essence of evil and won, so slaying one opposing dragon should just be a brisk walk in Palencia Park.

Lieza is a monster tamer. For the arena battles she tamed dozens of monsters from her world. Let's take a breath here and remember another point - Reis is a dragon and a monster.

Yep. Reis is gonna be running around fighting Hemo-Jis within the hour.

Reis Dular: 29
Lieza: 30