Season 33, Week 4
Delita Hyral
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
While Killey is remarkably brash and brutal, the clever knight Delita might one-up him with his schemes. While a Holy Knight in name, Delita is rather merciless to those he believes have wronged him, most notably the nobility and the priesthood. Delita in the Arena is very diverse, sporting his trademark Holy Sword techniques, and equipped with the Flame Shield, he can absorb the magician’s mighty Final Flame, leaving only Killey's futile physicals. This is all assuming that Delita can't strike him dead with one vicious Holy Explosion, which is very feasible. Delita has conquered Middle in his trademark brutal style, and this fool can't stop him here!



Nothing like a match between two treacherous bastards to get the blood boiling, you know? In Killey’s case, however, he’ll be the only one making blood boil with his devastating Fire Rune. Delita may be superior in manipulating and betraying others, sure, but he is outclassed by the mysterious red man in battle. Killey is far faster and can tank a single swordskill from the knight's arsenal, so Delita will have the distinct displeasure of eating both of Killey’s Final Flames. The result will either be called Roasted Royal or Crispy King - and either way, it spells victory for a certain seeker of the Sindar, and a flame-drenched death for the noseless king!

Killey was ready for Delita’s dirty tricks. He had been avoiding any and all FFT fighters, eating nothing that he did not prepare himself, and sleeping with one eye open. After Lorelai tipped him off that she overheard Delita mentioning that Killey was a ‘non-issue’ he knew that the so called ‘Holy’ Knight was planning another of his underhanded and treacherous attacks that he was oh-so famous for. Sure, he was a little tired from maintaining a state of maximum paranoia for so long, but it was a small price to pay for being able to smear that smug knight all over the arena with his Rage rune.

He knew that the attack, whatever form it was going to take, was coming soon, too. The last couple of nights Killey could hear movement outside his room, low voices talking, who didn’t count on his long ear being able to pick up a few words. He knew they were just waiting for him to fall asleep. But this wasn’t the first time the sindar hunter had to pull more than one all-nighter in a row. He wouldn’t be so easily trapped. Sure, he was starting to get really tired from both paranoia and lack of sleep, but it shouldn’t take more than two spells to kill off Delita anyway, and then he could get some rest.

Making it to the match without falling prey to any traps, Killey had a small and rare smile on his face. He had outsmarted a man known far and wide for being cunning and brutal, and now he was going to outfight him as well. Of course, once the match started, all it took from Delita was a single Holy Explosion to take down the man in red in his current state.

As Killey lay on the ground, allowing blessed unconsciousness to slip over him at last, Delita smiled at Lorelai who was shaking her head in disbelief, “And that is how one well placed comment can make a paranoid man defeat himself.”

Lorelai just shrugged, “Guess so. Gotta admit, I didn’t think that would work. Still, I held up my end of the deal, now it’s your turn.”

With a nod, the King of Ivalice escorted his current business partner off the field, leaving Killey for the DL medics to handle, “Of course. I’ll have some of my best men escort you to the Deep Dungeon. Just, be careful, that place is dangerous. Still don’t know what you expect to find there, though.”

Lorelai waved off the king’s concerns, “Don’t worry about me. Just make sure those people you give me can really fight.”

Delita Hyral: 47
Killey: 35