Season 33, Week 3
Delita Hyral
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
It seems that many girls are willing to plunge deeply into their untimely deaths. Paula was the first fool to fall by the cold steel of Delita Hyral's sword, and now, this gypsy-type lady named Shante... sigh, this isn't what the Holy Knight expects as a challenge. But the road to victory is a harsh one, and Delita knows of the vicissitudes of war and fate far too well. Shante isn't exactly much more durable than Paula was, and Delita has an edge on damage, durability - possibly even speed. A single Holy Explosion should be enough to finish this sad farce and lead him to the semifinals. It's a brutal path to walk through, but there's no way around it.



Shante may lack the flashy moves of Arc or the well-rounded skillset of Elc, but the little singer with a big heart has proven the value of a simple skillset with abundant healing. And she'll need all of her formidable defensive tricks to match blades this time. Delita's a Holy Knight, blessed with scorching physical attacks and excellent overall durability. Shante will be pushed to her very limits by a single swing of his sword, thus, a simple plan of healing, while throwing in Divides as often as the chance pops up is her best chance to win. One misstep will leave her splattered over the arena floor, and Shante certainly doesn't want to end her latest run on such an inglorious note. But she will succeed - against all odds.

Joou Ranbu
Shante, after such a brilliant run, wasn't willing to let victory slide by her so easily against Delita. The stakes were high, after all. She had no chance to defeat Delita in a raw slugfest, so she managed to convince the judges (oddly easily, at that) to take the match under a different light.

They would compete in a bikini contest. With such a well-endowed body, shaped by the grace of god and some healthy exercise, Shante was sure to win.

But tragedy struck.

More exactly, Delita in a brazillian bikini struck. Nobody could ever think that Delita's meekly, noseless build would lend so well to a two-piece that almost lets you see more than being naked would. The firm buttocks, the delightfully slender skin, the gorgeously shapely and fair muscles. The judge body, formed by Opera, Deis and Caina (apparently picked for gender equality or something?), went wild. And Shante left the arena without a victory and without pride.

Things could have been better for Delita, though. Since then, he has been proposed by the entirety of females in Middle, along with a few males. Rumors say that Elc was trying to hook up with the swordsman, albeit such are vigorously denied. However, Shante DID mysteriously disappear to get some "vacations". Chisato Madison inferred from cautious journalistic investigation - and heavy bribery - that she actually was in her way to Cuba to make a living as a hooker, where her feminine wiles would have more effect, apparently. Meanwhile, the girls' bar in the League has never been as cheerful and crowded: the pictures of Delita in that beautiful bikini became the joint's new wallpaper, courtesy of Deis.

After all, girls just gotta have fun. Even if Shante doesn't.

Delita Hyral: 44
Shante: 16