Season 33, Week 3
Anastasia Valeria
(Wild Arms 2)
The legendary Sword Magess Anastasia Valeria, after her tragic downfall from Godlike, is prepared to show Heavy her true worth. She already cleaned out the –trash- by stopping the psychotic Ramsus dead in his tracks. Next on the line is the vile Metal Demon Zed. And how can a beautiful swordgirl like herself smash a silly comic relief character like Zed? Why, quite easily - in fact, so easy it almost sounds insulting! All she needs is a little bit of healing and a mega-charged Impulse to stop the "threat" of Zed's attacks. The rage of the ancient swordslady of yore will come to bloom once again, and Anastasia Valeria will ride back to her rightful division - Godlike.



It's a braaaaaaaaaaaand new day and a brand new victory for the beloved demon swordsman Zed! A scarf blowing in the wind generously, waiting for new glories to dawn upon the clashing sound of his sword against the legendary Argetlahm! Oh, yes! Zed faces the Sword Magess Anastasia Valeria, and with his stylish poses and trusty Secret Sword techniques, he will show that his own legend shall surpass the tales of a different Filgaia, under a vaunted shower of applause! The Metal Demon will succeed where so many have failed, and it will taste like glory, joyful glory indeed! There shall be no sunny breakfast for Ana, and Zed's True Power shall triumph!

Lurking Registered User
Anastasia's massive Impulse took Zed right in the chest, kicking up an enormous cloud of dust. Smirking, the Sword Magess dusted her hands off and strode out of the arena.

Confident in her ultimate technique's potency against the likes of a metal demon, she was completely unprepared for what happened next...

"And the winner, by ring-out: ZED!" came the announcer's call.

"What!?! B- But how? How could any demon stand up to Impulse?!?" gibbered Anastasia in shock as she turned around to look at the arena again.

Sure enough, as the dust cleared, the unmistakable form of Zed, The Grim Reaper's Pen Pal himself, could be seen laughing maniacally in the center of the arena, scarf fluttering in the breeze, completely unharmed.

It turns out that -even for metal demons- when your career in villainy consists of gross incompetence, failure to join the Quarter Knights, and defending a blind girl from monsters, Impulse's holy power just doesn't have the same effect on you that it does on world-destroying scions of evil.

Anastasia Valeria: 32
Zed: 42
