Season 30, Week 2
(Seiken Densetsu 3)
It's such a pity for this season's Heavy division - Angela, champion of Season XXIX, didn't upgrade, despite crushing all her opposition. Oh well - she'll have to do the same this season! Armed with the magical talent of generations of mighty Altenan Magi, Angela's ready to strut her sexy stuff all over the competition this season! In honor of her battle last season against some of Heavy's greatest physical powerhouses, Angela is once again pitted against a powerful warrior-maiden, this time armed with a spear and riding a legendary pegasus. Nonetheless, even pegasi fall prey to stoning enchantments, as do their riders. A quick use of Stone Cloud will turn warrior and mount alike into a statue worthy of standing in the Parthenon itself, ending this battle in the blink of an eye. Of course, a well-timed Deathspell will work just as well - it won't turn Fiora into a work of art, but feeding the pigeons is just as noble as giving them a perch.



Fiora's facing a staggering challenge here. Angela is already a Heavy Champion and was only a hair away from upgrading to Godlike. The Rune Master's status is deadly, accurate, and is more than enough to put Fiora away in a hurry. That doesn't change the one critical flaw Angela's magic has, and that is the windup time. While her spells are dangerous in the extreme, she takes her time to actually cast them, and leaves herself vulnerable to attack in the process. This gives Fiora all the chance she needs. She'll open with a pair of extremely deadly Silver Lance physicals, which are enough to kill a grown man. The force behind these hits should be more than enough to shred Angela. Even if by some odd chance that Angela withstands the attack, Fiora's stellar magic defense and evasion should be enough to keep her alive against a single spell. There's no way someone as frail as Angela can take that kind of punishment twice.

Two beautiful women.

One common cause.

Getting out of this battle clothed.

Yes, the gates of hell had opened up, and the demons therein carried forth whipped cream, chocolate syrup, seltzer bottles, cherries, oil, pineapple slices, hooked talons, and sharp beaks.

Yes, the most fearsome thing to any woman ever has arrived.


"AHAHAHAHA! Yes, get her, my fiends! Show her that I am not one to be trifled with!" Lezard said, as a bunch of Dezolisian Penguins chased Fiora, and, to a lesser degree, Angela, around the arena with various implements of fanservice.

" he's the one behind those things?" Ryudo said, shaking his head, as he watched the spectacle. "Why is he so stupidly blatent now?"

"I heard Lenneth got another restraining order on him." Millenia said, shrugging. "This one doesn't allow him in the same time period as Lenneth. I think he got drunk and mistook Fiora for her."

"...figures." Ryudo said, as he watched a largely-unclothed Fiora get chased out of the arena by a drunken Lezard and a dozen Dezolisian Penguins.

Angela: 48
Fiora: 38