Season 29, Week 5
Lezard Valeth
(Valkyrie Profile Series)
Ahahahahahahahahaha!!! Choosing this season to act, Lezard has swept all opposition - none have been able to halt his dominating conquest of Light. Shady Thousand, Reed, and Viki have all fallen to his magics. His Philosopher's Stone by his side, Lezard will have all he needs to beat Light's largest cat, the Woren chief Cray. The terrifying Meteor Swarm will be Cray's downfall, blighting the cat's existence out of the Book of Life in a single instant. His powerful defensive magicks will ensure that Cray's massive log beatings go to waste, while his Philosopher's Stone will help him predict Cray's every move. Really, what an anti-climatic final for such a renowned and worthy sorceror to be involved in! There will be no mercy for the damned within the RPGDL! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!



The long march is almost over, and a championship is in sight for the leader of the Woren clan. Competition has been anything but stiff for the proud warrior. Old men, little girls... and now, finally, a frail scholar whose vast knowledge is surpassed only be his shocking inability to take a hit. Where's the challenge? At best, Lezard may try some underhanded, backstabbing tactic, but Cray has survived the murky, hostile politics of the Levant Alliance, and certainly won't fall for some antisocial dropout's pathetic attempt at tricking a Worent Chieftan. In the end, despite his high opinion of himself, Lezard Valeth is just another wimpy pansy who will break like a glass window as soon as Cray hits him in the face with a log - and it doesn't matter how hard he hits with the log this time, thanks to his opponent's durability!

Definately a step up from last season's Light final, but a little lopsided, no? In terms of magical ability, intelligence, and, well, being a fallen Godlike (How'd that happen, incidentally?), Lezard's got this one won... IF he can avoid our Woren friend's giant piece of firewood long enough to cast a spell. Which isn't going to happen. Happy Light Championship, Cray! Now go get squashed in Middle!

Lezard Valeth: 50
Cray: 53

Lezard will win. He must win. I will cry if he fails to win. then I will borrow Clive Winslett's gun and go on a finest arts enhanced killing spree.

I still can't motherfucking believe Lezard's a Light.

This has been the best light season ever.