The Female Scientist Brigade - Episode 2!

With the power of science and two X chromosomes, we can conquer anything.

"Good morning! As many of you may know, I am the genius scientist of Adlehyde known as Emma Hetfield. I think the first thing we should do is give Miss Lucca Ashtear a round of applause for the brilliant machine she developed - the same one that led to the success of our last meeting."


"However, a new and problematic situation has arised, and, to my knowledge, it's best not to overlook such.

A large number of us, when choosing a fighting style, tend to lean towards the magical arts. Magic is a powerful force and is usually of vast importance in the unforgiving battle. It is often the difference between victory and defeat. However, many people think that magic is the only thing that we are good at. This is very false. For example, Miss Lucca here rarely misses a target, Miss Shion is quit skilled at a few types of martial arts, and I have rarely seen an enemy that doesn't have difficulty landing a hit on Miss Tatjana.

So! There is a tournament coming up, and the rules state that magic is forbidden. I, quite frankly, believe this is the perfect opportunity to show the world that we can effectively fight at close range. The one thing we currently lack is a weapon, however. If we can create an armament capable of piercing through any armor, but of easy maneuvering, our victory is all but handed out in a plate!"

  • A Scientist steps forward and, much to everyone's surprise (and chagrin), becomes the champion. The opposition slumps.
  • They fight valiantly, but are saddeningly defeated in the finals.
  • They are defeated in the first round by an experienced fighter, showing why scientists should stick to the arcana.

Draco Ignifer
The Wondershot. A weapon of terrifying potential. Formed with the fully charged power of the Sunstone, it is the strongest pistol known to man. Unfortunately, it takes second place after the Angel Slayer for most random weapon known to man. There's a massive treatise on exactly why this happens, involving factors such as the interaction of radiation and thamaturgy on the electron structure of the power core... but suffice to say, the number of variables involved dwarfs the combined sum of Edge's luck score and the absolute vale of Zidane's luck score. Which means that, while potentially it could reduce the competition to a smouldering ashheap, it could also give them a light sunburn.

Enter the skills of the other scientists. Specifically, in this case, the skills of Miss Shion Uzuki, and her invention, the anti-Gnosis weapon known as KOS-MOS. More specifically, the ability to collapse near-dimensional states together into a single dimension, and thereby force the Gnosis, who exist in a dimension slightly out of phase with our own, into ours.

Theoretically, whenever we make a choice, we create a number of universes slightly out of phase with our own, in which we made the other choice. Wondershot, although not consciously making a choice, still randomly generates a projectile's power, and still creates countless universes where a different projectile was chosen, all slightly out of phase. Naturally, the scientists saw the application which this had. By scanning the universes, isolating the one in which Wondershot fires at maximum potential, and then collapsing all universes around it, effectively eliminating the random choice, they make Wondershot become utterly unstoppable. The only problem was getting a quantum computer, a dimensional collapser, and a sunstone-powered pistol to all fit together.

By the day of the tournament, though, they had finished their invention. Computer and modified KOS-MOS system fit together in a backpack, only slowing down Lucca a tiny bit, and aside from some connecting wires and cables, her pistol was as lightweight as ever. It looked like everything had gone perfectly. And as Lucca entered the arena, her fellow scientists and android admirers cheering her on, she smiled confidently, ready to prove once and for all the power of the female scientist brigade.

She did it, alright.

In retrospect, they should have spent a little bit of time in the prototyping phase. True, they were working down to the wire on getting the system compact enough for combat, but the last iteration had been rifle-sized, and they really could have stopped to test it first. Because, as Lucca found out with her first shot, the dimensional collapser system didn't quite do what it was supposed to. The computer worked just fine... it found all possible dimensions, and sent a signal to the one where Wondershot was strongest, forcing all the out of phase dimensions to that phase. Unfortunately, they hadn't fully realized the implications. The Gnosis weren't pulled into this dimension... theirs and hers fused. And this system did the exact same thing to every single dimension formed by the firing of Wondershot. Every single possible probability, every single reason that might cause a shot to veer a bit off or hit a bit weakly, was fused into a single dimension with every pull of the new, improved Wondershot's trigger.

When the smoke cleared, Lucca was unconscious, thrown against the back wall of the arena. Everyone on her half of the stadium was clearing their eyes, trying to see after the blinding flash of light caused by an infinity of Wondershot bolts exploding at once. Her opponent was gone. Her opponent's half of the stadium was gone. About 1% of the entire planet the match was being held on was gone. And a few seconds later, everyone else on the roster was gone, in a sudden flurry of doctors' appointments, dead grandmothers, and stomachaches.

Victory: 38
Defeated in finals: 9
Defeated easily: 29

Lurking Registered User
Magic is forbidden. This was the only rule the tournament sponsors felt neccessary. They know better now.

Lucca built a timetwisting supercomputer to ensure she won. It spawned several parallel universes and killed Serge a few times, (parallel universes are funny that way...) but it worked.

Scarlet showed up with the Proud Clod Mk II.

Shion showed up with a Gear, a Giant Robot, and KOS-MOS.

Rikku, scion of the Machina-loving Al Bhed and master chemist, came up with a concoction that combines Trio of 9999 and Hero Drink and went berserk with the Machina Maw.

Precis used holographic copies of the other contestants to deal damage and distract her opponents from the fact that a power-armored girl genius with a giant mechanized hammer and a really irritating voice was about to smash them from behind.

Momo sniped enemies with a bazooka.

The list goes on a fair ways. Not a single sword-swinging magic-disallowed heroic main-character-type made it past the first round of the tournament ladder. They got so depressed that they got stinking drunk and disappeared en masse into the depths of the Cave of Trials, and haven't been seen since. The bad guys are having a field day.

The only thing stopping the female scientists from a complete and total upset was the similarly unexpected participation in the tournament of the *Male* scientists brigade! Most of *them* lost their matches due to nerves at the unexpected prescence of so many brainy females, but enough were undersexed and oblivious enough that the Females only got seven of the top ten spots, rather than a clean sweep.

As I have previously stated before. If Lucca makes it-it works. The laws of logic and physics cower in the face of the brain that hides behind her stunning purple hair. All the scientific knowlege in the world lies in wait bethind her her stunning yet subtle coke-bottle frames. Against what you say is her great prowess put to the test this day? A history or arcanum ingrained in her kind since the beggining of time? This will be even easier than creating a device to open a timegate-that-she-has-only-known-
of-its-existence-for 15-minutes!
Truly this shall be the female scientists greatest hour!!!

Lucca! You must bare my children!!!!

Magic is forbidden, but Lucca has skills that are not magic. Tatjana's skills are not Magic either, as only the Deimos skills are classified as magic in Arc the lad 4. Thus, The scientists become the champions thanks to finding a few loopholes.

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
It was the perfect plan.

Utilizing the brilliant machine that made them female leads instead of second or third wheels, the female scientists quickly decided that the easiest way of gaining the martial arts talent needed to combat the tournament entries was to reconfigure the machine to amplify their natural martial prowess. Maybe it was hubris or just plain laziness that they figured to use this method of increasing their own abilities, but whatever reason they had, they reconfigured the machine and hastily used it on themselves. Nothing could go wrong, they were infallible as sexy scientists destined for greatness.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Whether by some miscalculation on one of their parts or an unforeseen variable, the machine didn't work the way they wanted it to... instead, it amplified a part of their new caste strata as female leading ladies. A genome that they had overlooked and considered unimportant and irrelevant... something that was exponentially increased.

Something we at the office call the Damsel in Distress Effect (aka the Rinoa Effect).

At the tournament, there was a frightful amount of byes as the experienced alpha hero types scritched their heads in confusion unknowing of the strange twist of fate that had befallen the sexy scientists. It would be later that they would be called into duty to rescue them all from various overlords, monsters, cliffs, and locked closets.

Oh yes, everything has its price, even female lead status.

Magic is forbidden, but do the rules say anything about laser-equipped power armor?