Season 29, Week 2
(Xenosaga Series)
The mad URTV Albedo returns once more to terrorize all the little girls in the RPGDL - and, possibly, if he's got the spare time, take another championship. While he might not have the chance to welcome any of the newly ranked competitors into their new division, he does get to tango with the veteran Esper Terra Branford - and hey, at least she's female. It'll be a simple fight for the insane warrior, and a chance to play with his newest peach will be Albedo's prize this week. He already has super-human speed far beyond even Terra's heightened comprehension, and a quick Demonic Gaze - Mist S will rob Terra of both her magical reserves and her mental stability. Once she's confused and helpless, Albedo can then take his time to "dismantle" the poor girl in no time flat. Albedo won't even need to utilize his potent Demonic Illusion, Demonic Gaze - Soul S or Fallen Angel to win this fight. No, he can instead save his energies for far more "fiesty" prey.



For years now, Albedo Piazolla has been infamous in the DL for one thing, and one thing only - being a danger to children everywhere. So it is only fitting that the task to bring him to justice once and for all is set upon the shoulders of Terra Branford, the half-Esper orphanage manager of ruined Mobliz. When she's not looking after children, Terra enjoys frying insane megalomaniacs with her overwhelming power, and that's just what she's going to do this week. Terra's high magical evasion will protect her from the worst effects of Albedo's drain attacks, while the power of Ultima or just a simple old Morph-enhanced thwack from a Man Eater tears up his lacking durability. Even if he tries to make use of the blocking tricks he picked up in his second appearance, it will not stop this young woman's onslaught - she'll just be encouraged to use Fire 3. It's high time that somebody does think of the children, and Terra doesn't intend to let them down!

Fact 1: Albedo can 2HKO PCs with his draining attack, MP bust when his HP goes below half, and even boost his speed and magic damage even higher.
Fact 2: Albedo is also very frail.
Fact 3: Ultima HURTS.

Albedo: 33
Terra Branford: 63