Season 3, Week 5
(Final Fantasy VII)
He's Sephiroth. He's in the match. What more do you need to know? If you can vote on this, obviously you know the terror that is Shadow Flare. Super Nova is nasty too, and Melfice just won't be able to take Sephy's blasts for too long. Being an end boss and all, he's got the edge here, and his damage is more than impressive enough to overwhelm the Horn of Valmar.



Melfice's shattered opponents will testify to this truth- Do not take lightly the man who can rip your soul apart with a single strike. He'll face the utlimate test of a swordsman (and a midgame boss), in Sephiroth. Melfice's Wailing Soul Slash will see limited use early on, as he'll be wise to build up his stat boosts, and apply healing as needed to cure the damage caused Shadow Flare. It'll be a tough battle, but not one Melfice can't win.

All-in-all, it's a close battle, with Sephiroth having the advantage in pure damage and Melfice winning in variety. However, there's one thing Melfice cannot ( nor would he WANT to ) touch:
Sephiroth's is bigger.
There's nothing Melfice can do to stop the mighty phallic blade of Sephiroth from piercing the horned armour of the horns of Valmar and completely raping any hopes of his victory. Bigger is better!

Sephiroth: 7
Melfice: 2