Season 29, Week 1
(Super Mario RPG)
He's fluffy, he's cute, and he's baaaaaaaaaaack for another round of fun with DL Light! The Prince of Nimbus is ready to SMASH some more of Light. Sure, he's already won Light once, way back in Season 14, but that was forever ago! His first match is against some ditzy girl with teleporting powers, and really, she's hardly even a threat to him. With his healing, his Cymbal attacks, and her absolutely horrible physical defense, Mallow is READY! to dismantle the cute little mage. Her weak attacking SET! will not even put a dent in him, which leaves her no choice but to GO! ahead and surrender to a cloud who thinks he's a tadpole. Shameful, isn't it?



"ACHOO! Hi! I'm Viki!" Yes, lock up the pantry and cancel your travel plans, as the premier teleportress has returned to the Duelling League after a considerable leave of abscence. She's still her old self, not trying to pick a fight and not eager to get into fights - but that having been said, everyone knows that Viki's at her most dangerous when she isn't trying, and it's just that trait that will be the undoing of the young cloud prince. Because quick as lightning, with a Ready! Set! Go!, Viki can send her opponent to, well, just about anywhere - and it's very hard to win matches in any division when you're floating helplessly through space and time...

Raijin sighed, as he entered the ring. He'd rather have been lazily fishing his days away, but but that didn't pay so well, and the DL's Light division was always needing judges willing to sit through what could turn into a three hour standoff between two healers.

Meanwhile, Viki was happy with the way things had been going recently. She had seen what that nice interview lady had said about holding in her sneezes in a later broadcast of BTS, and it was working like a charm. Sure, her nose was itching like crazy, and she could hardly see due to her eyes watering over from the effort, but she hadn't had a Blink-related misfire in over a day! Picking up a pleasant-smelling bouquet an overzealous fan had tossed her from the stands, she thought that things were definitely looking up.


These smell pretty ni-



Raijin looked at the contestants to see if they were ready.

Ahhhhh Oh no, I-I don't think I can stop this one!

Raijin raised his hand, about to signal the start of the match.




Trying to clear her eyes, Viki quickly cast Set at Mallow, hoping to unbalance him long enough to recover from the monstrous sneeze she had just unleashed, not noticing the young prince's look of wide-eyed, slack-jawed shock.

Clearing her eyes, Viki looked up. She was suprised to see that Mallow was, rather than simply pelted with a small deluge of refuse, thoroughly buried under half of a landfill's worth of garbage. She stared at the sight for a moment, before hearing someone next to her trying to get her attention.

"Hi, I'm" she trailed off, unsure of how to continue. If the girl next to her was Viki, then who was she? Her identity crisis worsened when she looked further, and saw several more Vikis next to the one next to her, all looking around them in confusion and wondering pretty much the same thing.

Raijin, meanwhile, had come to terms with the fact that there were five Vikis rather than just the one standing there when the fight started. He looked to the group of Viki, then to the gigantic pile of garbage that would probably take the cleaning crews hour to clear, and back to the group of Vikis again. Quickly piecing together what happened, he walked over to the group to give his verdict of interference.

Or, at least, he tried.

"This isn't outside interference, sir, we're all Viki here" spoke the youngest of the lot, who took up the spokesman role for the group by virtue of being the only one there who was actualy cognizant most of the time.

"But..." Raijin stammered, trying to come up with a response.

"Besides" little Viki pressed on, blatantly ignoring Raijin, "whether it was intended or not, we were summoned here. I mean, you woulnd't toss out Yuna for using her Aeons, would you?"

"Well, no, but..."

Time to finish this.

Raijin's attempts at coming up with a counter-argument were stopped in their tracks, as little-Viki preformed the dreaded Eyes of the Kicked Puppy. The older Vikis followed the subconsious prompt and joined in as well.

Imagine a look so sad, so outright pitiable, that the wills of all but the most heartless, obtinate individuals are crushed into a fine, easily manipulated paste.

Now take that, and multiply it by five.

Raijin never stood a chance.

"Awww, man. Alright, fine, you guys win. Just.. stop lookin at me like that, okay?"

Mallow: 51
Viki: 55

Lurking Registered User
Mallow leapt out of his pants, shining a spotlight into Viki's eyes, and doing his beast Lezard impression. "BWAHAHAHA! My glare shall pierce your very SOUL!"

Viki screamed and teleported somewhere far away.

It turns out that the Behind the Scenes interview had had a profound effect on Viki. Faced with Lezard Valeth glaring at her and cackling madly while shouting that very sentence had traumatized the poor girl and left her with a fear of mind readers.

Which was fortunate for Mallow, really, as that's exactly what his Psychopath spell lets him do.

I allow Suikoden 4 Viki. Bye Bye Mallow :P