Season 28, Week 4
(SaGa Frontier)
Justice has been served. Another lawbreaker stopped cold at the hands of Alkaiser, and there's no end in sight to Red's heroics. With the fist of justice and the hand of God, the superhero's laid low even someone who's completely immune to normal physical attacks. It's an beyond what even a normal Heavy can do. His latest challenger is somewhat less impressive. Alkaiser's innate defenses stop any sort of status attack, and that's the only part of Purim's spell list that deserves this rank. And as if that weren't insulting enough, Re-Al-Phoneix hits Purim's pathetic physical defenses, more or less crippling her in one blow. With near-limitless WP and the true heroic spirit to guide him, Red's got what he needs to claim another victory for the forces of justice.



At last, on the verge of attaining a championship and silencing her detractors once and for all, Purim won't let anything stand in her way! While Red has the power of cheesy-looking superhero armor, Purim holds all the other cards. The mighty Lucid Barrier will shield her from all of Red's Alkaiser attacks, absorbing them as if they were harmless gusts of wind. With the barrier up, Red has no way to touch the girl, and that allows her to use her full arsenal of deadly status attacks, including the dreaded and awe-inspiring balloon status, bane of superheroes everywhere. With Cure Water to keep her healthy, and a slew of powerful attack spells to rip the fool apart before he can respond, Purim is destined to make her own mark in the annals of the league.

Even sometimes, the Ultimate Superhero's judgement fails him. Upon viewing Purim and her hot pants, he commented something unprintable about Purim stealing Ghaleon's clothing.

Ghaleon was in the arena at the time. Needless to say, he made his displeasure felt with several Hell Waves aimed in Red's direction, along with the shrieking (Royce) minions (Xenobia) sent his way to smite. No one thought less of Red when he took one look at what he faced and hauled ass to the Cygnus, and got the hell out of the Region.

Red: 35
Purim: 36

Joou Ranbu
Alkaiser is a force of collant-laced goodness, campiness and plenty of super sentai nostalgia to make all geeks smile. This is quite a dangerous combo, yes? Correct. And Alkaiser is incredibly powerful to boot. Most people would say he can overcome almost anything.

... almost. The moment Red transformed into Alkaiser, revealing his latent spandex suit, all that Purim did was shake her hip a little. At that moment, her pants shone brightly, and Alkaiser slowly melted down into the shape of a female high-schooler Tai Ho cosplayer. Not even super sentai spandex can handle the power of puffy harem pants.