Season 28, Week 2
Maya Amano
(Persona 2)
LET'S POSITIVE THINKING! <3 Maya Amano, the star of Persona 2, prepares her powerful writing skills and elite talent with Personae for use in this season of DL Heavy! Her first enemy... is... a CC character? Not only that, but a little spoiled brat... far too easy for Ma-ya to handle! Her Moon Persona, Artemis, reflects -all- elemental attacks, both physical and magical. Poor Marcy... being a member of the CC cast, even her attacks are tinged with ice - and that ice damage will be sent straight back at Marcy, teaching her to respect her elders! Even if she can somehow get an attack through, Maya has full healing, status spells, three ice attacks (admittedly not as effective against Marcy), Crescent Mirror, a non-elemental spell that breaks past Marcy's ice resistance, and near-limitless SP to cast it with! Ma-ya Amano shall destroy Heavy with her charms and power!



Tee hee! Marcy is not a girl who is afraid to speak her mind or fight like a true Dragoon! She might look like a dainty little ballerina who wears a little too much eye makeup and likes to carry around a shield, but she is, in fact, one of the Devas/Dragoons, a prestigious group led by General Viper to protect him. She is a bit of a brat, admittedly, but she has the skills needed to be a great Dragoon, with great magical skills and fighting prowess that are exercised constantly in her fights in the DL. This week she's against the timid silent main of Persona 2, Maya Amano. While her opponent does have status, Marcy can resist that easily with her boss form. And things go downhill from there. What's Maya going to do, physical her to death? Pleaaaaaaaaaase. With her physical (which are not completely elemental, thus allowing them to bypass Maya's defences), this is an easy victory!

Like so many girls her age, Marcy had been enamored with the adventures of the Sailor Scouts growing up. Of course, living in an RPG world, her dreams of being a super-powered magical girl were far more achievable, and so we have the Ice Blast spamming youth she is today.
Of course, this also left a residual awe of the power of the Moon in her. So after a little prodding from her friends, Maya decided to spread the (completely true) rumor that Maya had full mastery over the MOON and could draw on the power of a great Moon Goddess. Naturally, Marcy didn't show up for the match, since in her eyes she had no real chance to win. Granted, a few creeps showed up with cameras hoping to catch a fanservicey transformation sequence, but since Katsuya was on-hand to bust them, it was probably the least eventful match in ages, a strange but welcome change of pace for dear Ma-ya.

Maya Amano: 42
Marcy: 21