Season 28, Week 2
(Phantasy Star 4)
Although this cute little Numan may not look it, Rika's one of the most balanced and dangerous godlikes around. With near limitless supplies of healing, and deadly status in the form of Illusion and Elminate, she's already got everything she needs to crush the legendary Arc. If her damage, healing and instat death weren't enough, she's got the cheap, potent stat-boosts of Saner, Shift, and Deban to protect her from any of Arc's attacks. While it won't be the first time Arc's been utterly crushed in Godlike, it'll certainly be his most embarassing loss! Hehe!



While Arc is normally a competitive man, this season he truly has a drive to win. As the original hero in his series, Arc isn't ready to let a trainee upstage him. After Elc won both a Heavy Championship and the Godlike win that has ever eluded the Hero of the Spirits, Arc is feeling the pressure to win. Luckily, while his match with Rika will be hard, it isn’t impossible. Arc only needs one turn set up Invincible, and then proceed to bust her stats with Weak Enemy and laugh. More than ever, Arc is ready to prove that he really can be a power in Godlike.

Poor Arc. He thought that if Elc could take down a powerful end-boss using a plethora of magic tricks and Invincible, he could take down Rika with a plethora of magic tricks and Invincible.

What he forgot was that durability, damage, and speed tend to help with that winning thing. Looks like all Arc can look forward to is a quick loss followed by a certain younger protagonist mocking his fifth DL defeat.

Rika: 33
Arc Eda Ricolne: 27
Rika a godlike? It's quite puzzling even with spells that enhance status and a pretty good aray of healing, though her stats arent anything special she should still be able to defeat Arc.