Season 27, Week 3
(Disgaea: Hour of Darkness)
The power of love has triumphed once more! With the old knight Marcus down for the count, a cocky warrior who knows not the true nature of love and goodness is Flonne's new opponent - and you know what that means! With her staff at the ready, Flonne is ready to face anything. Kashell's greatsword may be big and pointy, but never fear! Flonne's angel wings will help her dodge the slower warrior's blows skillfully and effectively. With a barrage of arrows or a dreaded Divine Ray, Flonne can strike at the dark-hearted anti-love monstrosity that tries to best her, showing his heart the truest message - love conquers all.



The bearer of the flashing blade still has a lot left to prove. He's one quarter of the way to proving that his downgrade ranks among the RPGDL's all-time largest blunders, and he can pass the halfway point with a victory over Flonne this week. His opponent, much like himself, is a celestial being of sorts, but that's where the similarities end. Flonne is a fragile, weak mage, and Kashell a pillar of physical power, surpassing even the gods - literally - in HP and Strength. A few solid thwacks from Kashell's Bahamut Tear and the angel will be out cold, and this Einherjar will be one step closer to the division in which he belongs.

This is, perhaps, the oddest match on record.

Kashell was reluctant to fight his opponent.

Flonne was reluctant to fight her opponent.

Both for totally different reasons, naturally...well, Flonne's were comparable to Kashell's, that she didn't want to beat on someone noble and good, with the added bonus of also not wanting to get beaten up.

So, they were attempting to resolve a peaceful conclusion, Flonne winning with all the true verbal talent that only a lawyer has.

Then the arena blew up.

It's a pity they held so many matches at the same time as Zidane's, really.

At any rate, the judges decided to respect the two combatant's wishes, and hold the most peaceful contest ever to determine the winner.

The first person to get revived won.

Unfortunately, the talents of the Valkyrie Profile and Disgaea casts vastly differ.

Ultimately, Kashell was easily revived, while Flonne ended up a Prinny for a while.

But hey, she was a cute pink Prinny, so she didn't really mind.


Really, she only stabbed Etna a few times for that screwup.

Etna figured the "screwup" was worth it.

Flonne: 32
Kashell: 56

There was a miscommunication.

"Come to my side, my noble Einherjar!" In a flash of sparkly white dots Kashell appeared! From the angelic wings of a divine being he was spawned, ready to fight for love and justice! Kashell's oversized sword gleamed as his gaze roamed - this was

What the..?!

"Go! Get them for Lahaaaarl~!" Flonne's giggles follow, wings retracting into her back. What? Dragons? Discordant scenery? Majins? Swords imbedded in the ground all about? Angels? ITEM WORLD?!

Suffice to say mistakes were made in the pre match assignment. Balance was salvaged in the end by one virtue - Kashell is currently in an emergency transmigration, so he was disqualified. Flonne advances, lucky her?