Season 27, Week 3
(Final Fantasy X)
Seymour faces a slight nuisance in this match. Nate can reflect magic with his Persona, could seriously annoy the quadra-casting Summoner. It's of little consequence to the outcome of the match, however - Seymour’s Ultima spell is immune to the Speed Racer wannabe’s reflection. A few castings of that should put Nate in as tight a spot as a Firaga chain would. Which is to say, it will kill him and leave his charred remains as an unrecognizable lump of organic material. Pleasant? No. Effective? Oh yes. And since Nate has no way to break through Seymour’s insane defenses, he has no way of winning the match anyway. Seymour will have his Godlike championship this time, and then perhaps he can finally impress his wife enough to win her heart…



Go Speed Racer! Having slain yet another god - that seems to be a tradition for Persona users - Nate's ready to face a mere man this time. Granted, Seymour's not really a human, and definitely not a mortal, but Nate isn't a "normal" human himself. As such, this is likely to be a fantastic battle. Seymour's powerful magics would make lesser men tremble, but with the guardian spirit of Alfred watching over him, Nate has nothing to fear from the elements. And there, in a nutshell, is how this battle will play out - Nate's superior speed and powerful LightAll magic will break Seymour apart, and with Elixer to keep him alive if Seymour somehow breaks his magical resilience, there's nothing the Unsent maester can do to fell the one - and only - Speed Racer.

If there's one thing you can say about Nate, he's resourceful. Limitless reserves of cash, powerful, magic blocking Persona at the ready, thousands of odd weapons at the ready..

The latter of which won him the fight. Seymour only has one true weakness, and that's being stat downed. As proven by the brutal beatings inflicted upon him after Auron hits him with armor break, he's all defense and no staying power. What most people don't know is that Seymour, in fact, concentrates all of his powers in his hair. Without that, he's no better than a defenseless child.

Nate chasing Seymour around on his motorcycle with a giant pair of hedge clippers was a hell of a sight. Too bad the girly summoner passed out as soon as Nate managed to reach him and lop off a bit of hair.

At least Seymour's got a stylin new buzz cut for the summer! It's something he can console himself with after Sephiroth and Kefka laugh him out of the big bad villians bar once again.

Seymour: 39
Nate Nanjo: 42