Season 27, Week 2
(Final Fantasy X)
How amusing. The unsent maester, facing the so called lord of the undead? Well, that's not the amusing part. Seymour is cackling (besides his daily evil laugh practice) because all the facts point to this being a horrible mismatch - and slaughter. Seymour is known for his massive magical beatdowns and legendary physical defense; Brahms is known for his massive physical beatdowns and being infamously bad at taking magical hits. The poor little thing won't even be able to unleash his dreaded ultimate technique Bloody Curse before the constant stream of unimaginably painful Firaga spells destroys his pathetic remains. Ah well. Just another stepping stone towards the Godlike championship, which can't elude Seymour forever...



Brahms faces a fellow undead dueler this week - the infamous Unsent, Seymour. Brahms is going to have to be at his best to get past Seymour's impressive defenses, but luckily he himself has quite a bit of Divine Materialization Energy (HP) and can take Seymour's magical-based assaults quite well. Eventually, Brahms will build up enough to do his Purify Weird Soul (finisher) move. Bloody Curse hurts, plain and simple, and Seymour's defenses just won't cut it against the multi-hitting technique. All this will happen, of course, before Seymour can use any of his really painful abililites, like those Firaga spells. Seymour's no pushover, but Brahms has the strength where it counts, and he'll overcome the Guado, proving who the superior evil is.

Brahms is a mighty vampire. He is capable of overkilling anyone with his dreaded Bloody Curse physical attack, and is all but immune to physical attacks himself. Seymour is an all but physically immune magic user who can overkill almost anyone with his dreaded Firaga Quadracast.

…Wait, what’s that? Brahms is a vampire? Last time I checked, the undead were very much flammable. Looks like poor Brahms is being invited to a barbeque, and he’s the “guest of honor”.

Well, after all the horrible draws he‘s gotten, the DL gave Brahms first place in the “Unluckiest Dueler” competition. They even put him on display at the ceremony. An ash-filled urn was put on the pedestal, right up in the #1 position. What Rika did to it was rather embarrassing, but that’s a story for another day.

Seymour: 80
Brahms: 20

Brahms glared at his adversay, "This has gone on far enough! Feel the Power of Darkness! Bloody Curse!" His trademark technique did nothing but a mere scratch on his enemy.

"Ha, excellent, you amuse me! But how much longer can you stand?", the Vampire Lord then gave a small chuckle as he readied another attack.

It was then before he could even act, that he ended up being obliterated on the spot. Or at least sent somewhere to another plane somehow.

There are somethings in life you shouldn't ever do. And one of them is to challenge Hatbot. Sure his chances against Seymour weren't likely better, but you just don't argue with the dice. But on the bright side for Brahms, when he *finally* returns (or reconstructed), he will be receiving the "Dueller with less luck than Ashton Anchors" award, sent right to his doorstep.

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Brahms, Mighty Vampire King of the Undead. Slayer of Einherjar, Keeper of Silmeria the Valkyrie, and Boaster of one Hell of a Physical Defense. What could possibly take him down? Not a Mage... not this time! He would draw someone clearly inferior to his talents. Someone who would bow before his magnificance as he rended their bones into his bread.

So color Brahms surprised when he drew Seymour, Unsent and Undead Wundermage (*snicker*) of Final Fantasy X fame.

I guess it's irony that Brahms is handed his keister by someone just as dead as himself. Don't worry Brahmy poo, Silmeria still loves ya... :-D