Season 26, Week 2
(Disgaea: Hour of Darkness)
Hark, all ye who dare challenge the might of Heaven, as thee shalt find the walls of the Lord rise to the highest countenance to impede thy path! Should ye choose to continue thine assault, they powers shall be as blunted blades, unable to pierce the divine armour of our righteous Lord's servants! The Lord grants His retainers the might of the Divine will, and they shall bring death to his enemies. Tremble, ye prostitutes, theives and faithless heathens, ye false "Angel of Death," as divine judgment and the wrath of the true believers shall be as a vengeful blade from the hands of the creator himself! So sayeth the Gospel of St. Lamington.



Since her back-to-back Godlike Championships, the Angel of Death has waited in the shadows, waiting for the chance to show her power again. Now, scythe in hand, Piastol is once again ready to decimate the ranks of Godlike. Appropriately, her first challenger is Lamington, a literal angel from the realm of Celestia. The Seraph will prove a tough nut to crack even for the mighty pirate hunter, since his immense defenses will dull Tempest Dance's bite considerably, but with Piastol's incredible speed she will get as many chances to soften the shell as she needs. It will be a long battle, but waiting has always been one of Piastol's strengths.

"...what do you mean, you're going to trick her because of what she's done to you?" Yuri said. "You've...been the one to play the tricks on her every time. You're not getting delusional on me, are you Edge?"

"She tried to kill both of us!" "..." "She did!" "...Edge, that was after we screwed her plans up the first time." " Those plans were aimed against us!" Edge said, annoyed. "And she's prejudiced against ninjas, too."

" you're going to find some way to go through all the ridiculous amounts of guards she has posted on that match and annoy her?" Yuri said. "...Why bother? Learn to let it go, Edge." He said, leaning up against a tree. "Why the hell did you want to come all the way out here to talk, anyways?"

"She's got all the bars tapped, along with my room." Edge said simply. "...that is a horrible pun." Yuri said, smacking him upside the head. "...What?" Edge said, annoyed. "I wasn't making a pun. Anyways, all we have to do is find some way to publicly annoy her..." "And I pull you out of the fire. Forget it, Edge." Yuri said, walking off.

"...damnit. There has to be some way to get at her!" Edge said, annoyed, kicking at the ground.

Which promptly depressed, and loudly clicked.

"...AAAH!" Edge said, leaping to one side quickly. He then stood up and looked around. "...Hmmm. Okay, so this isn't a secret ninja training ground? Damn. So what the hell was..." He trailed off, as he heard a loud rumbling. "...okay, maybe it is." Edge said, looking around warily.

Then a large cloud of dust poured from a now-obvious, massive opening in the ground. Edge's gaze was drawn to it, fascinated. Then drawn up. And up...

"..." Edge said, awestruck. "...this is perfect. Thank you, every god that's listening. Even the evil ones!" Edge said happily, running towards the object he saw...


It was a fierce battle, but perhaps a forgone one.

Piastol was far faster than her opponent, and far more damaging. His stamina was great, but the Seraph simply couldn't hold out against her onslaught.

Then a column of light flashed overhead.

Which promptly smashed into a nearby lake, vaporising it and killing everyone in a half-mile radius of it, as well as entirely wiping a small town off the map.

"...Damnit, I'm no good with technology." Edge said irritably, from the cockpit of the Yggdrasil IV, as it replaced the Yggdrasil Cannon. "And now this thing's low on fuel. Well, time to just step on her, then." He said, shrugging, as he piloted the massive, city-sized mecha towards the arena.

"..." Yuri said, watching the giant robot approach the arena. "...that's it, I am getting the hell out of here right now." He said, running as fast as possible from the arena. "And I really have to ask Edge how the hell he got that thing."

"...Bart, didn' that in storage after they rebuilt it for the exhibition matches?" Margie said, looking up at the advancing mech worriedly.

"...Yes. I am going to kill whoever stole it!" Bart said, rushing up to the outer edge of the arena, and looking at the mech.

"And that's what you get for letting your guard down!" Piastol said, breaking through the distracted Seraph's defenses, to deliver the final blow. "Now, what are they all yelling...ab...out..." She trailed off, as she stared up into the face of the Yggdrasil IV.

"Hehehehe. Ahahahaha...ahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Edge laughed maniacally into the loudspeakers. "Nothing can stop me now! I'm going to smash Piastol into the ground, from four floors up!"

"...damnit, I always knew he'd go mad from power." Yuri said, watching the events from a comfortably far distance from the arena. "...well, if he ever got power, which I didn't think was likely."

"SPECIAL ULTIMATE MEGATON NINJITSU KICK OF DOOM!" Edge screamed, as he stepped on the arena.

Missing Piastol and the arena entirely.

"...damnit, I really never was that good with machinery." Edge said. "Fine! ULTIMATE NINJA PUNCH!" He said, punching downwards.

"...this can't be happening." Piastol said, watching the gargantuan fist descend towards the arena. "...On the upside, I did just get to see Bart try to grab a fist that has to weigh megatons." She said, watching Bart fly past. "Now, to finish this stupidity..."

The fist of Yggdrasil IV came crashing down.

Piastol, with lightning fast speed, lept into the air, and slammed her scythe into the mech's arm as it passed, embedding it deeply in the arm.

And passed. And passed, demolishing the four stacked arenas and killing most of the crowd.

"Hmm, it's not Lamington's day, is it. He was right under that." Piastol said, hoisting herself up on a convenient ledge on the arm. "Now, to climb up this thing."

"Hey! That's cheating!" Edge said, desperately trying to control the mech well enough to shake Piastol off the arm. "Get off!"

"...does he seriously...never mind, he was yelling ridiculous attack names a moment ago." Piastol said, sighing, as she hoisted herself onto the shoulder, and ran up to the massive bridge.

"...Oh hell." Edge said, watching her approach. "" He said into the loudspeaker, as he desperately jammed on buttons that he hoped would knock off Piastol.

"..." Yuri stared up at the scene. "...I am not trying to stall a Godlike while you try to find some way to make your giant mech fall on it, Edge." He said, knowing full well that Edge couldn't hear him. "Sorry, you're on your own on this one."

"Edge, you have ruined my day over, and over, and over, and over and over and over and over!" Piastol said, her voice rising to a near-shriek. "But this is it. You're going to have pain redefined in a thousand new ways today!" She yelled, rushing up to the cockpit.

"...damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit!" Edge said, slamming on random levers. "There's got to be something, anything, anywhere, that can save me from thi-"

He was cut off as he suddenly was thrown to the floor, as the Yggdrasil IV majestically rose into the air, powered by massive thrusters.

Then sputtered and ran out of it's already-heavily-diminished fuel.

"...he really isn't good with machinery." Piastol said, watching the massive Gear hurtle towards the ground. "Well, I think it's time to jump off this thing. With luck, I'll just break a few dozen bones and will live long enough to spit on Edge's grave." She said, waiting for the best time to leap off the giant Gear.

"..." Edge said, watching the ground approach.

"...Well, it's time to use my final, ultimate move!" Edge said.

"...wait, right, the smokebombs only get me out of battles." He said, watching the ground rapidly approach. "Okay, plan B." He said, rushing down a hallway. "Come on, there has to be something, anything, anywhere, that can get me out o-"

"CHU!" Chu-Chu said, hurtling into Edge.

"" Edge said, staring at the pink round animal. "No time for that." He said, hoisting her up as he ran towards an exit. "Gotta get out of here!"

"Chu? They locked me up in here, Bart did, he said it was because Margie wanted me to stay in the Yggdrasil like a good little chu, and I was getting so lonely and bored from being in here for months and months, and then chu came along and saved me from it and now we're going to live happily together, chu!"

"...Why did I pick this thing up?" Edge said, tossing Chu-Chu into the open hatch, as he rushed out of the falling Gear. "Oh, maybe I can use it to cushion the fall slightly." Edge said, picking up Chu-Chu, and leaping off the falling mech.

Yggdrasil IV hit the ground a couple of seconds later, flattening Piastol's arena even more than it had been previously, along with most of the people foolish enough to stand around and watch it's fall.

"...Okay, now what." Edge said, as he fell. "Damnit, falls aren't supposed to take this long, I have time to think about what went wrong."

"Chu? You saved me, chu! I'll save you chu! It's a chu for one deal!" Chu-Chu said, sparkling.

"...give me one reason not to throw you as far as possible for..." Edge said, trailing off, as Chu-Chu grew into her large form.

"Chu!" She yelled, grabbing Edge as she grew.

Then they both hit the ground.

However, by this time, Chu-Chu was large enough to take the impact with only loud, yet incredibly cute, squeaking sounds of pain.

Edge himself got little more than whiplash from the impact.

"..." Edge said. "...that's it, I need a drink."


"You have way too damned much luck." Yuri said, sighing. "I doubt you learned a thing from this."

"Oh, sure I did." Edge said, sighing. "I'm going to stop bothering with grudges after this, if I can at all help it. It's not worth it at all."

"...huh, I would have figured you wouldn't have changed a bit after making out that well, what with Piastol breaking almost every bone in her body and you coming out with a sore neck and a bunch of pink fuzz all over you." Yuri said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Oh, no, believe me. I've been punished enough from this."

"Chu! I finally found chu!" Chu-Chu said, happily rushing into the bar. "The chu savior of chu, the one that kept me from falling chu my doom and being lonely chu!"

"Mostly, now this thing's obsessed with me." Edge said with a sigh, as he finished he drink, and made ready to run like hell from the cute little fuzzball.

"And stop laughing." Edge said, smacking the helpless-with-laughter Yuri upside the head, as he dashed out of the room.

Lamington: 36
Piastol: 41

CO Cheddar
If there's one thing that Lamington is really good at, it's taking hits. Piastol, for all her virtues in battle, has trouble breaking through his durability, and I just don't see her killing before he does. Good match, but I'm more inclined to side with the Seraph here.