Season 26, Week 1
(Final Fantasy VIII)
After sitting on the sidelines cheering for his partner Fujin in her Godlike loss, Raijin's finally been given a chance to show off his skills in the Arena. He’s been practicing his fire attacks and his Raijin Special, and he’s guaranteed to put on a show for all of the league's fans! The lovable lackey of Seifer and proud Disciplinary Committee member also has the FFVIII's biggest trump card, the attack-boosting spell Aura, to pummel the suspect defense of his opponent. While Selan's spells are enough to hurt Raijin through his weak magic defense, his own hits will do more to pierce her puny defenses and HPs, leaving him with a win.



One of RPGdom's most famous working moms is back after a long absence, to try and snatch a championship title for her cast after Artea failed to do. The SeeD dropout and all-round delinquent Raijin should not prove much of a challenge as an opening round fight - Selan holds all the advantages she needs to win this match. Her superior speed and vast MP reserves let her heal as needed and chip away at her opponent on doubleturns. Raijin has no status that could shut her down instantly and his damage isn't exactly life-threatening. It's just a matter of patience - something Selan's juvenile foe sorely lacks.

Once again the other members of the Disciplinary Committee to understand being cool far better than Seifer could ever possibly imagine. Raijin lost this week much to the glee of his adoring fans everywhere, he new how to keep it absolutely chilled. He lost to a housewife with access to only a hand full of low level spells. It takes so much talent to do that. Meanwhile Seifer went ahead and won and got mocked by everyone in attendance. At the after party Seifer was all decked out in his eyeliner and lipstick but no one cared, he won and yet he is still a bigger loser than Raijin, because Raijin knows what it takes to be cool.

Raijin: 32
Selan: 54

He can't hit a lady, yanno?