Season 3, Week 3
(SaGa Frontier)
Asellus, like Ramsus, has had to deal with being called a reject in her lifetime. As she's a half breed, she fits into neither the human or mystic world. Despite this.. oddness, she's not a person to be toyed with. Her powerful mystic change boosts her stats, and grants her super human moves to be used upon her opponent. The one flaw is that she has to be able to hit her opponent first before mystic changing, and hitting Ramsus with a physical is going to be impossible in this setting. She does have an out, in her mystic magic. However, mystic magic isn't the greatest set of spells for pure offense, and there's some question as to how legal most of her spells are.



-Trash-, -Reject-, -Failure-. Ramsus once again had to fight off these labels, and did so in a rather convincing fashion last week, by smashing Bowman Jean into the dirt. Ramsus's pride will drive him on here, as he knows that he can only prove himself via his sword. His opponent isn't a typical fighter by any means. However, Asellus is tempered by one painful fact- She's pure physical until she morphs. She can't morph until she hits Ramsus... and she's not fast enough to get in a turn before Mirror Stance sets in. For Ramsus, it's a matter of setting up his trademark Mirror Stance attack, and simply waiting out his half mystic opponent.

"MIRROR STANCE!" Ramsus's scream echoed throughout the arena, spelling doom for any who test it.

"Glass shield!" Asellus's much softer voice gently bounced throught the arena, and it spelled doom for any who tested her shield.

Hm? Ramsus was confused. What did that shield do, anyway? Ramsus tested the shield with a cautious slash...

...and he woke up in the nurse's station an hour later, after he had all the glass picked out of his face.

Asellus: 6
Ramsus, Kahran: 5