Season 25, Week 2
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
Most of us have an eccentric uncle we're less than fond of. Lady Lyndis's went the next step and tried to make her life a living hell. Not only did his soldiers hound her every step in the first of her journeys, but he personally tried to end her life as the general of Caelin. And he proved perhaps the toughest foe for the cast of Blazing Sword. He's not complex fighter, but with his monstrous physical defence and a painful Silver Lance, he doesn't have to be - there are few fighters who don't shiver at the thought of fighting the would-be Marquess of Caelin, and Pesmerga is surely no different. Yuber's nearly-forgotten stalker will soon find out what it is like to fight a wall...except for the fact that few walls fight back with as much power as Caelin's least favourite uncle!



Hmph, an old man fighting the great Pesmerga? Not a chance, but since it is in the Arena he'll at least have to make it something of a show. So Pesmerga is coming to this match well prepared, with his black armor freshly cleaned and shined to look cool, a brand new perm so his hair is just right, and some waxing and sword-sharpenning just to relieve some stress. The match should be pretty standard warrior fare, with two burly men pounding away at each other with their weapons, trying to see whose is biggest. Pesmerga will admit defeat in the size department this time, but that doesn't mean he can't still win! All it'll take is the complex strategy of hitting Lundgren a lot until he falls over dead from the combination of powerful sword-strikes and magical fire.

Pesmerga never stood a chance. Right at this moment he is in the ICU while they try to get a doctor that cares enough to try and stabalise him. It wasn't smack in the mouth that did him in. Nor was it the savage beating with Lundgren's cane. No, it was from the swarm of hookerbots trampling him after the match was over as they swarmed to Lundgren when the match was over. Never mess with a pimp unless you are sure you will win.

Lundgren: 43
Pesmerga: 40

What were they smoking when they ranked Pesmerga a heavy? Lundgren doesn't even need the WTA.