Season 25, Week 1
(Breath of Fire)
Rar! Returned to his rightful division by force of magic and strength of body, Zog's done his Dark Dragon clan proud by bringing in victory after victory. Striking down a foul upholder of the law is as fine a way to get back into Godlike fighting shape as any. Relying on the same body that withstood the assaults of Ryu and co., Zog will Char anything in his path into a crisp. It may take more than a single casting of this earth-shattering spell for Zog to come out on top, but with that resilience to shrug off even the mightiest attacks, Rolf getting the same fiery treatment as Heavy did is all but a given.



The very first overpowered hero is ready for another shot at Godlike - and this time, he's not facing Ghaleon! Rolf instead faces an upgraded Heavy dragon, Zog, who struck fear into the division last season. And it's Rolf's duty to show him how much of a difference a whole divisional change makes. Zog's terrible weakness to any and all magic will be his downfall as the agent of Paseo fires off his devastating Megid. Two shots of unbridled anger will tear even the mighty dragon apart, and even if Zog somehow survives, the legendary Neisword can finish the job, securing Rolf a quick and simple win for truth and justice.

The Great Nevareh
Wow. It's a close match- and Rolf is fighting an opponent that is one of the few things that Rolf can't deal with in a couple of moves. Megid is good if you're trying to knock out a wimpy PC with incredible attack powers and Rolf's personal abilities mean that he can stay afloat in a more prolonged grudge match. Unfortunately, this would be a REALLY, REALLY prolonged grudge match- Zog is just way too tough.

And now for Zog's unfortunately: Who is the person who defeated him in his game? Why, a blue-haired guy with an important lineage and a mission to prevent catastrophe who was armed with music. Who's Rolf? Why, a blue-haired guy with an important lineage and a mission to prevent catastrophe who, coincidentally, is armed with MUZIK. I'd have to guess that Rolf would win, just on the basis that Phantasy Star villains are much more brutal than Zog and Rolf is enough like a Ryu that he might be able to pull off a Ryu-esque feat of ass-whoopin'.

Zog: 37
Rolf Landale: 45

Rolf, DL agent, lawyer, and all around good guy squares off against a man who rules by corrupt law. The way to win this is not with the blade as Ryu and co did, but with the power of a lawsuit.

-Sure-, hiring Mewtwo to beat the living hell out of Zog and to sue him penniless was probably not the nicest of tactics, but law breakers deserve what they get.