Season 24, Week 4
(Skies of Arcadia)
Arr! Two matches and two distinct fighters were splattered by the power of the Hand of Fate. Rydia's a very different opponent in both looks and personality. A calm, female mage... and one who Drachma won't have time to fire off a Hand of Fate against. Thankfully for Rakham's hunter, a Tackle is a brutal move in of itself, and more than enough to level Rydia with a single use. Good thing for his trusty Shard of Purity, too: he'll need the resistance to status to help give him the willpower to shrug off Rydia's dangerous status attacks.



Yaoi-bait and crass little boys can't stop the sheer cuteness of a pretty little girl calling forth an ancient dragon to incinerate the arena. Rydia's on a run this season, and there's very little that can stand in her way. Not even the salty old fisherman Drachma, a wall among men, can do it now! While his powerful Hand of Fate would scare most, Rydia fears not. Bahamut will rip through Drachma's old body before he can prepare to launch the dreaded attack, and should that not suffice, there's always a few other options for Rydia. Like turning the pirate into a frog or pig!

It was the shortest duel in recorded history. .000000001 seconds after Drachma entered the ring, he was knocked out cold by a barrage of attacks that would have floored a weapon or three.

Apparently, he hadn't bothered to check his outfit before he entered the ring. Wearing a "Magical Girl Ghaleon groupie" shirt attracted the ire of a rather annoyed Godlike champion who had been waiting to avenge himself on a certain ninja pervert.. and well, it was at least over fast for Drachma.

Rumor has it that Ghaleon's posted a 500,000 gold reward for information leading to the capture and brutal death of the pervert who printed up those shirts, and helped to give Edge's girlfriend a win.

When reached for comment on the shirt and bounty, Edge laughed, wiped the lipstick off his mask, and quickly fled from an enraged Royce looking to turn him into mulch for his role in the entire fiasco.

Drachma: 25
Rydia: 36

Drachma's run is similar to BoF2 Nina's run. Yay for instant-death moves? Hand of Fate *crunches* Rydia before Rydis can summon Bahamut 3 times.