Season 24, Week 2
(Final Fantasy IV)
Evil will never die as long as darkness exists in the hearts of man. Though he's been defeated time and time again, Zeromus keeps coming back, still searching for the perfect chance to cover the world with his darkness. And while it will take more than one win for him to realize his goals, it seems as if a victory is within his grasp this week. Cyril, though a devious foe, is regarded as one of the weakest of God's Ten Wise Men. He cannot hope to match the power of darkness held by the incarnation of Zemus's pure hatred. Wind cannot hope to match Nukes; Zeromus can pound away at the weaker Wiseman with no fear of retaliation, as Cyril lacks anything strong enough to wear down the durable hate-demon's hold on life. It shouldn't take long to blow away Cyril, hastening the rise of hatred to a Godlike championship.



The most traitorous of the Ten Wise Men, Cyril, returns to the arena in hopes of being the first of his kind to achieve a title. And things are indeed looking much better for him than on the previous two attempts. In his first match, he faces the incarnation of hatred itself...bu tcontrary to appearances, said incarnation of hatred happens to be one of the most pathetic Godlikes who in the division. Cyril's durability matches Zeromus's, but it's his trump card, Wind of Destruction, that gives him the real advantage here. And not just because it's more than twice as powerful than Zeromus's best attack, Flare. Despite its appearance, Wind of Destruction is a physical attack, so it ignores Zeromus's magical counters. The master of wind should have no trouble blowing away this puny lesser evil, and advancing one step closer to the most coveted title of all.

Hey, even highly advanced genetically engineered weapons of mass destruction screw up once in a while.

Okay, so they do so more when wasted.

(Cyril needs to learn less evil scheming and more caution. It never occured to him anyone would spike the water with acid as it was brought to his table when he went to lunch that day.

Indalecio was unavailable for comment. No one really suspected he actually had a sense of humor, anyways...)

He did nearly win this match despite this, but only because he attempted to fly into the air to start his dreaded Wind of Destruction, became enthralled by the pretty flashbulbs from the crowd, and somehow flew directly into a wall.

Zeromus cracked up.

Beings of total evil experiencing any form of joy is a horrible thing for them, it rendered him horribly ill and weakened.

Cyril, somehow sensing in his dazed state that this was his chance, decided to cast Demon's Gate, to summon forth a mighty demon to strike down his foe.

And this is how Cyril, and shortly afterwards, Zeromus, were slaughtered by a flock of frenzied Fat Chocobo.

(It's hard to imagine a flock of frenzied Fat Chocobo, but getting teleported into a fifty feet drop from a sound sleep, only to have Fat Chocobo fall on your head while you're trying to figure out what just happened, could probably frenzy cabbage.

Fat Chocobo, being more inert than cabbage, have a loose definition of frenzied. They sorta milled around a bit for a while, then fell asleep an hour later.)

Cyril was doubly unfortunate; He had somehow cast the spell directly over his head.

Zeromus cracked up again at the sight of Cyril getting pulped by massive, sleepily warking, Chocobo and promptly expired.

The judges just shrugged, and awarded Zeromus the match, due to being last to die. They saw this coming when Cyril's response to being asked if he was ready to fight was "Hee, happy all fools dead rule all. Heeheheheh. Sure!" in a bright tone.

Cyril doesn't remember a thing, which is probably best, since he was babbling about how magnificent Fat Chocobo are as a race when they were pulling him out of the feathered pile of bird.

Zeromus still hasn't recovered, though. He's now addicted to laughter, which is horribly self-destructive to him, and he can't manage to kick the habit.

Zio, Luca Blight and Melfice are planning an intervention, though. Small children, young virgins and all similar sacrificables should probably be well guarded for the next few days.

Zeromus: 41
Cyril: 31

T.G. Nevareh
Unless Cyril can get his hands on something with which to amplify sacred power and shove it down Zeromus's throat, he isn't going to win. Zeromus is invincible UNTIL you smack him with a big fat gob of holy power to make him vulnerable. After that, Black Hole (which stings like a @#$!@ and does that awful non-poison life-reduction thing) would still hurt and Zeromus would probably be able to smash a great deal before Cyril manages to even the score.

Still, unless Cyril gets some serious holy power seriously quickly, how is he going to defeat a being that quite literally is invincible until you smack him with the equivalent of Cecil Harvey's pure unadultered heroness filtered and amplified through a gem that is an expression of purity?

Terra Fanboy
Cyril was just sick when I fought him. I might have been a bit underleveled, but I remember having my hide hnded to me. Zeromus, on the other hand, was not much challenge by the time I got to him. That and winds of destruction and demons gate are sick.