Season 3, Week 2
(Shining Force)
Domingo's not exactly your average mage. For one, he's got amazing physical defence. For another... he's a giant, floating squid! Neither of those properties are going to help him this week, though, since his opponent is a mage, and has fought scarier things than him. Domingo will have to hope for the best with his Freeze 4 against Rosa, or possibly go for unreliable status with Muddle or Desoul. One thing's for sure, however; he'd better win fast, since Domingo's pitiful HP means he dies to the magical equivalent of a sneeze, and Rosa's magic is somewhat stronger than a sneeze.



Archetypical white mage Rosa Harvey is a much deadlier dueller than her docile nature might suggest. Possessing the ability to do a bit of everything, and do it well, Rosa is never an easy fight, even for the most hardened Heavies. She possess not only inexpensive full healing, but also a plethora of status attacks, such as Charm, Hold, Mute, Slow, and Berserk... AND a plethora of buffing spells, such as Protect, Shell, Haste, Reflect, and Blink. Unfortunately for the fans who want to see this variety showcased this week, none of that matters in this match. All that matters is that Domingo takes magical hits only slightly better than Kongol, and that Rosa packs one terrifying magical punch in Holy.

Rosa, of course, was nervous going into battle against Domingo. After all, she had hear he had tentacles, which she had come to fear after that last inter-Final Fantasy-series wife-swapping party the week before. So, before entering the arena, she decked herself out in a hazmat suit.

Strangely enough, this worked out to her advantage, for Domingo, having been a test-tube baby himself, took one look at the white suit she wore, and high-tailed it out of the arena.

Domingo: 2
Rosa Harvey: 10