Season 24, Week 1
Dealt a crushing defeat three seasons ago, Eileen has unexpectedly returned to the Arena, Earth Rune shining and eager to uphold the Lepant family name. The graceful beauty spars this week with Edge, a man who much like her rascal of a son. Of course, this means she's experienced in dealing with youthful trangressions. Eileen has all the tools she'll need; Copper Flesh to ward off the ninja's throws and Earthquake to beat his perverted highness into submission. It might be unfair, but every parent should know how to be firm.



General ninja badassery is something to be proud of, as this graceful fighter has shown us time and again. Master of status claws, ninjitsu and Fuma throws, Edge Eblan is as well-rounded as fighters get. He's certainly going to enjoy having a fine woman as his foe, as there's nothing more fun than fighting a cute lady in a battle to the death! With a speed advantage and the ability to get around and shut down the dread Copper Flesh spell, there's nothing to prevent the noble Eileen from being the prince of Eblan's latest victim in the arena.

Edge sipped an elixir in his room, compliating things. Watari had certainly done his fair share of perversion and badassery this week. It'd be near impossible to top that.. not to mention that Sheena would likely have his head if he made a pass at his mother. "Mmm. I'll have to lay off the perversion. Doesn't mean I can't have a bit of fun.."


The arena was packed rafter to rafter. There had been less popluated Godlike finals. Everyone wanted to see what the graceful, dangerous ninja prince would do in his latest match. The crowd waited with baited breath as Edge came out...

..Instead of in his usual ninja garb, in fancy unarmored clothes. He had on a full mask covered with rose designs, and he only had one weapon on, a claw. Without wasting a second, Edge ran... straight towards a wall! The crowd gasped as Edge -bounced- off the wall, and flew at Eileen at high speed.

Barely grazing her with the Catclaw, Edge quickly went to work. Bouncing off walls, he blurred around the arena, a fury of motion. Thirty seconds later, a panting Edge stood in the middle of the ring. Eileen lay in her son's arms, sleeping and only slightly damaged by a scratch from a claw.

Royce, Xenobia, Cleo, and Alys lay in the center of the ring, completely undressed. They were layed on in the shape of an E, with dazed looks on all their faces. Bowing to the crowd and enjoying the standing ovation he recevied, Edge quickly accepted his win and got out of the arena before any of the few dozen people who wanted him dead could get his hands on him.


Alys and the other girls furiously argued with the refs, claiming that Edge had stepped out of the ring once the fight had started, counting in a ring out. However, upon further video review provided by the TimeLord, it turned out that Edge hadn't touched the ground once in his flurry of activity, resulting in his actions being perfectly legal.

Of course, Edge had made mortal enemies out of two godlike females, a woman who had already kicked his ass once, and anyone who called themselves allies of those women.

But hey, at least he didn't offend Sheena!

Eileen: 17
Edge Eblan: 59