Season 24, Week 1
(Legend of Dragoon)
So used to fighting powerful draconic beings, Lloyd must be somewhat disappointed to be fighting Scias instead of the stuttering canine samurai his leader. Of course, Lloyd is far too dedicated to the art of war to let such disappointment distract him, especially in the critical opening round of Godlike. The doglike swordsman may be swift and skilled with his blade, but no more so than Lloyd, and the Wingly has his devestating magical abilities and skillful evasion to back him up. Scias might last longer than most thanks to his healing spells, but he'll be unable to mount an offense in the face of Lloyd's deadly assault. The outcome is not in question, and Lloyd will be earning a trip to the next round while Scias earns a trip to the clerics.



The stuttering samurai mutt Scias returns to the Godlike arena once again, with every intention of surpassing the challenges of that rank this time around. And even though Scias is the underdog in this fight (rather literally), the Wingly lord Lloyd is hardly a fearsome opponent. Thankfully, Lloyd's best damage happens to be physical, and thus hits the better of Scias' defenses. Moreover, the dog can meet Lloyd step for step in speed. And better still, he can counter his adversary's much-heralded evasion with ShiningBlade's own extraordinary accuracy. With a huge reserve of healing to keep him alive, and the ever-present threat of Rakshasa should he ever fall into a danger zone, Scias intends to prevail with style.

Dark Holy Elf
They say every dog has his day.

Too bad Scias' was sixteen seasons ago, and he's not likely to get another until his next trip across a divisional border. Even matched up against a Godlike whose DL credits include losing to Anastasia Valeria and Albert freaking Simon, he's completely out of his league, here. Scias for Heavy!

Lloyd: 35
Scias: 16