Season 23, Week 5
(Xenosaga Series)
Vector's top combat weapon has made it to the finals once more, and this time, nobody's going to stop her from taking what she deserves! Fenril lacks many of the abilities that handed KOS-MOS her previous finals defeat, like magic, support spells, and the simple variety and nasty tricks that Beatrix had. This should be an easy battle: S-Chain will wreck the Dragoon's stats, making her an easy target for R-Dragon. Nothing will stop the ultimate weapon from taking her championship, so Godlike had better watch its back!



Getting to the heavy finals usually requires tricks. Options. Some variety. Fenril puts to rest that silly idea by getting to the finals on sheer willpower and fighting ability. The guardian of Brunhild shredded three quaility duellers this season, with the same simple plan. Outspeed, outslug, and outtank. The same thing will work well against KOS-MOS. For all of her prowess, KOS-MOS lacks speed and takes a lot of time to build up to fatal damage ... not a good thing against someone fast enough to outrace a swordmaster and a pirate.

A dragoon has not felt more emasculated
Than poor ol' Fenril in this battle most fated
Her divine sword did she compare
To robot guns that drew her stare
And with shame-filled tears, she evacuated

Fenril: 13