Love Attorney Flonne in
"Summoning from the Heart"


Idly sketching out her latest plans for living out the Netherworldly Dream, killing your boss, Etna hardly noticed someone enter the tiny office.

"Um... excuse me..."

Etna didn't look up. "Look, if you're here for the rent, you can start by taking a look in the room over there where the last landlord ended up."

"No... I..."

Etna jerked, incredulous. "Wait a minute, you're a customer?!"

Without waiting for an answer, she kicked on the intercom. "Ohhh Flonne, you have a client."

Bursting from the door in less than no time, radiant in her conviction, Flonne appeared. "All right! No need to fear, Flonne, Attorney at Love, is here!"

"Oh thank goodness. I... didn't know... where else... to go..."

Etna mumbled to herself, "Great, who hit her in the head?" before tearing up her picture of a bomb-rigged door and starting fresh.

The client, who was none other than Lady Yuna, related her tale. "You see, I... agreed to marry another summoner. But... well... a lot happened, and... now... I've fallen in love with another man... but the summoner just won't give up! He died, but he still insists on carrying out our marriage!"

Flonne wiped away a tear. "That's so sad... of course I'll take the case..."

"Thank you very much... um... I don't have... a lot of money..."

The light, which was swinging idly overhead, lit up brilliantly. "And with Flonne, Attorney at Love, on the case, you won't need any!" She keyed the intercom. "Etna! We're going to take Lady Yuna's case! Set up a date in court!" She paused, then added, "Oh, I think we need a prinny to change the lightbulb, it just blew up again."

A muffled string of curses drifted through, letting Flonne know she'd been heard. "Don't worry, we've never lost a case yet!" Of course, Flonne had also never had a case, but a little white lie couldn't hurt anything, right?

The stage was set. Opposite Yuna in the courtroom, her fiancé, Seymour, had bought the best money could, the renowned Big Joe. With the honorable White Knight Leo presiding and Tidus silently cheering her on, Flonne prepared her opening statement...

  • Brilliantly demonstrating the Power of Love, Flonne convinces the court to annul Seymour’s claim to Yuna’s hand
  • Flonne’s absentminded mention of Seymour’s being dead wins the case without her real talents coming out
  • Big Joe puts up a brilliant case, thwarting Flonne’s efforts
  • Spotting a mysterious signal in the sky, Leo declares a mistrial and swiftly departs

The trail was going well. Tidus had done an amazing job painting Seymour as the most dispicable person he had ever met. Auron, the legendary guardian himself, had provided shocking tales of Seymour's complete obsession with power and villainy. Yuna's moving testimony of her love for Tidus had moved the court to tears.
Leo, sitting high above the proceedings, stared down at the (theoretically) young attorney. "Flonne, do you have any further witnesses?"
"Yes I do, your honor! I call Seymour Guado to the stand!"
Shock rippling through those in attendance, Seymour calmly came forward, smiling in his small, deranged way.
Flonne paced, hands firmly clasped behind her back. "Mr. Guado! Please explain to the court your relationship to my client."
Seymour chuckled slightly. "But of course. Lady Yuna is my fiancé, ever since she accepted my proposal some months ago."
Flonne tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I see. Describe your encounters since then."
"Lady Yuna is a very... independant woman. She and her guardians have attacked me several times. But what is death before a marriage as perfect as ours?"
"So! Would you say Lady Yuna loves you?"
"No, but really, what does love matter?"
"Ah HAH! You plan to marry someone you don't even love!"
Big Joe hurriedly stood up. "Your honor! We must vigorously object to these wild aligation! This muchacha is clearly badgering an honorable man!"
Leo's gaze was impenetrable. "Overruled. However, I believe I have heard quite enough. Please sit down, Ms. Flonne."
Flonne's ribbon drooped. "Okay..."
Leo continued on. "Maester Guado, please stand." He waited a moment, then spoke again. "Throughout the trial, we have heard time and again of your obsessive, violent, and highly dangerous nature, even attempting to force Lady Yuna into marriage after your own death. As such, I find this engagement to be null and void. Please leave the courtroom quietly now."
Seymour seemed to consider making a scene, but upon noticing Yuna reading and waiting to summon an Aeon, thought better and departed.

Flonne still sat after everyone had departed. After all her work, it wasn't Love that had saved the day, but hate and death. She hardly noticed as Yuna and Tidus came up to her.
Tidus spoke first. "Aww, cheer up! It all turned out okay, and that Seymour guy won't be pestering Yuna for a long time!"
Flonne, teary-eyed, managed to sob out her thoughts. "But... if Love can't win here, maybe... maybe..."
Yuna spoke. "Don't worry... Love triumphed today... and that's... what... really matters..."
Flonne perked up. "You're right! There's a lot of people trying to defend their love out there, and someone has to help them!" Her resolve shined true as ever. "And they can count on Flonne, Attourney at Love, to be that someone!"

Brilliant Flonne: 14
Absentminded Flonne: 28
Dynamic Big Joe: 11
Mysterious Leo?: 12

The room was silent in the wake of Flonne's stirringly emotional but somewhat legally clueless case. Leo and the court were waiting patiently for Big Joe to begin his testimony, although from the look on Leo's face, he was getting tired of waiting. Silence had reigned for a solid minute or more.

Seymour was losing his infamous serenity. He nudged his lawyer discreetly. Big Joe remained still, hands folded under his chin, contemplating.

"Well?" Leo asked pointedly.

"Don't bother me," said Big Joe, startling the room. "I'm contemplating the nature of a love... spurned."

Leo looked outraged by the first part, but seemed to settle at the second half, curious in spite of himself. "Would you care to tell us your conclusions?" he prodded again.

Joe stood, tears in his eyes. At the back of the courtroom, hundreds of women screamed with admiration. (Police attempting to wrestle them out met horrible fates.) He spoke compellingly of one poor man's heart, and of justice, and of cruel women who cheat on you when your back is turned but THAT'S OKAY, BE A MAN, when she comes back crying you gotta be right to her.

Flonne bounced back, full of righteous energy, but Leo's eyes had lit at the mention of "justice", and he had been thoroughly sold.

On their way out, Flonne steeled herself to go up to Joe and offer him a friendly hand, prepared to compliment him on his victory... And he walked right past her. She stared after him, shocked, as he walked to his throng of fans and posed for them.

Thus was an eternal rivalry born...!

Mad Fnorder
Flonne is the queen when it comes to Love. She's the title holder of the World Love Federation. The high scorer in Love Love Revolution. Secretary-General of the United Nations of Love.

Therefore, no one is surprised as part of her closing statement, a massive musical number featuring a Prinny kickline, Tidus and Yuna dancing up front, and Huey Lewis and the News busting through the ceiling to blare "Power of Love" through the courthouse, gets the win.