Season 3, Week 1
(Chrono Trigger)
Ayla from Chrono Trigger



Jack van Burace is a very balanced dueler. His speed is great, and his physical attack power scares more than just Luc. With his great speed, he can easily take advantage of Trump Card at full HP, dealing massive damage to his opponent. Barring that, Magnum Fang works quite well as a replacement, or he could just go for the OHKO with Void Sword. His ability to heal both his HP and statuses in one shot is also quite nice. Of course, that all pales before his secret weapon: Hanpan! With a great skillset and great stats, plus a smartass mouse, Jack is in a gret position for a title.

Hunter Sopko
Finally happy that he didn't get uber-screwed with his first round draw, Jack is energetic about his fight with Ayla, and rushes out into the arena with all his considerable speed to... nothing. He waits, and waits, until someone comes on the loudspeaker. He recognizes the voice of Elmina, his love.
"Jack, honey, I'm sorry. Ayla had to forfeit."
"Well, apparantly she's been brought into custody for abusing her husband Kino, so she can't fight today."
Horrorstruck that he can't fight the fight he has been waiting for, Jack crawls to the corner of the arena and cries.
A sigh is heard over the loudspeaker. "Sometimes I wish I still had amnesia..."

Ayla: 3
Jack van Burace: 9