Season 3, Week 1
Ramsus, Kahran
Defending Middle champion and Commander of Gebler, Kahran Ramsus can't help but be aware of the cruel fate that has awaited most returning champions to date in the RPGDL. That's not going to stop him from trying his best to leave his mark on Heavy, though! With Bowman Jean, he gets a lucky first fight, as Bowman is - you guessed it - pure physical. Which means Ramsus can once again play the defensive game with Mirror Stance and put Bowman away with a few well-timed sword attacks. Though the pharmacist from Linga will no doubt try to draw out the match as long as possible with his Secret Medicine, it won't change the outcome... and Ramsus is willing to be patient in order to secure his record-tying fifth consecutive RPGDL win.



Bowman Jean is a masterful fighter who combines speedy pill attacks with graceful martial arts. He's an opposite of the often unstable Kahran Ramsus. His supreme confidence in himself has won him many a fight, and he isn't likely to crack under the stress of an opponent with perfect defense.

"Mirror Stance!" Ramsus's words echoed throughout the arena, as a death call to any who dare use physical attacks against him. The martial arts using Bowman Jean gulped slightly at that call, and did what any smart person does against the Perfect Human.




Bowman's fans began the powerful chant, which caused Ramsus to begin to quake in anger and loathing.


By yelling, Ramsus dropped his guard.. and therefore, Mirror Stance. Bowman smiled, and rushed in to crush Ramsus with a Sakura Attack. However... Bowman hit nothing but air. Ramsus, in his blind rage, had charged in the direction of the crowd. Ramsus was stopped from exiting the ring by the sound of someone hitting a wall.

Ramsus turned around, and saw that Bowman had kicked and punched his way out of the ring, into the arena wall, and right into a ring out loss.

Ramsus, Kahran: 6
Bowman Jean: 3